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Schritt 4 - Aktualisieren Sie die Seite oder klicken Sie auf Fortfahren Vor Ort, um Zugriff auf finanzielleBuhari sucht Ende zu illegalen Fluss von Mitteln Ifeanyi Onuba, Abuja Präsident Muhammadu Buhari hat alle Gouverneure der Zentralbanken in Afrika aufgerufen, um alle Formen des illegalen Flusses von Mitteln aus dem Kontinent zu beenden. Der Präsident erklärte dies während der Rede auf der Eröffnungssitzung der Jahrestagung 2016 der Vereinigung der afrikanischen Zentralbanken. Die Veranstaltung fand am Hauptsitz der Zentralbank von Nigeria statt und hatte zum Thema Unwinding unkonventionelle Geldpolitik: Auswirkungen auf die Geldpolitik und Finanzstabilität in Afrika. Buhari, der sagte, das Bankensystem über den Kontinent habe eine wichtige Rolle bei der Bekämpfung der Korruption spielen, bedauert jedoch, dass das afrikanische Finanzsystem zu einer wahren Plattform für den Transfer der meisten gestohlenen Fonds geworden war. Er sagte, wie die Regulierungsbehörde des Finanzsystems, Gouverneure der Zentralbanken eine weitere Rolle spielen bei der Umkehrung der Trend der illegalen Fluss von Mitteln aus Afrika. Dabei forderte er sie auf, Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um sicherzustellen, dass die Erträge der illegalen Flüsse in ihre Herkunftsländer zurückgeführt wurden. Er zeigte sich jedoch optimistisch, dass mit der Zusammenarbeit aller Mitgliedsländer innerhalb des Kontinents die Bekämpfung der Geldwäsche und des illegalen Geldflusses gewonnen werden würde. Er sagte: Dieser Zusammenschluss könnte in Zusammenarbeit mit allen Mitgliedsländern ein wichtiges Instrument zur Bekämpfung der Geldwäsche und des illegalen Geldflusses sein. Eines der Hauptziele des Vereins sollte die Verhinderung der Geldwäsche, der Terrorismusfinanzierung und des illegalen Geldflusses auf dem Kontinent sein. Der Präsident sagte auch, dass es mit den unzähligen wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen, mit denen das Land konfrontiert ist, schwierig wäre, das gewünschte Wachstum nur mit geldpolitischen Instrumenten zu erreichen. Er fügte jedoch hinzu, dass mit einem effektiven Abgleich von geld - und fiskalpolitischen Maßnahmen das notwendige Wachstum erreicht werden würde. Bei der Suche nach Lösungen für die wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen, sagte der Präsident den Gouverneuren der Zentralbanken in den afrikanischen Ländern, dass sie nach innen zu schauen und zu nehmen, was er beschrieb, wie home-grown Lösungen anstatt übernehmen ausländische Verschreibungen. Er sagte: Diejenigen von uns, die nur auf natürliche Ressourcen angewiesen sind, wie Nigeria, Angola, Südafrika und Mosambik, wurden am schlimmsten getroffen. Angesichts dieser Herausforderungen haben die afrikanischen Zentralbanken ihr Bestes gegeben, die afrikanischen Volkswirtschaften durch eine proaktive und effektive Kombination von konventioneller und innovativer Geldpolitik zu schützen. Der Gouverneur der Zentralbank von Nigeria, Herr Godwin Emefiele, in seiner Anrede des Willkommens, sagte, daß die Ausgabe des illegalen Flusses von Kapital eins der Hauptprobleme gewesen war, die das Wirtschaftswachstum innerhalb des Kontinents beeinflussen. Er sagte, während der Bankensektor am besten positioniert war, um den Fluss von illegalen Mitteln abzumildern, gab es einen Bedarf für die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten, um den Trend zu überprüfen. Der Managing Director des Internationalen Währungsfonds, Christine Lagarde, sagte mit langsamen Wachstum in den großen Volkswirtschaften gesehen werden, mussten die Gouverneure der afrikanischen Zentralbanken kommen mit pulsierenden Initiativen, um Wachstum zu stimulieren. Vertreten durch Atingi Ago, sagte sie, dass die plötzliche Umkehrung der Kapitalströme zu überschüssiger Volatilität der Vermögenswerte in der afrikanischen Region führen könnte. Copyright PUNCH. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Dieses Material und andere digitale Inhalte auf dieser Website dürfen ohne vorherige ausdrückliche schriftliche Erlaubnis von PUNCH weder ganz noch teilweise vervielfältigt, veröffentlicht, übertragen, umgeschrieben oder weitergegeben werden. Element des Tribalismus Femi, und doch leugnen Sie es. Dachte, du wärst anders. Ich hasse diese föderale Charakter Stier Scheiße und ich wünschte, unsere Älteren didn8217t gehen an die Presse. Es würde eine Nachricht an Nigeria über uns geschickt haben, wir don8217t hängen von der Regierung für alles und wir können Quelle unsere eigene, mit oder ohne Termine. Zed. Tribalismus Ich Kein Chef. Ich kann es mir nicht leisten, tribalistisch zu sein, und ich wurde nicht so erzogen, seit ich in einem Mixhaus aufgewachsen bin und mein Zuhause gemischt ist. Having said that, forderte ich jemanden und frage ihn, warum er greift die SE immer. Seine Verteidigung war, dass sie zu empfindlich für alle Kritik mit pack hound Mentalität und so entlasten ihre Wut mit Beleidigungen und Missbräuchen. Ich widersprach ihm, aber er drängte mich, einen kleinen Kommentar über SE zu machen und die Antwort zu sehen, die ich bekommen werde. Ich muss sagen, ich bin ein wenig enttäuscht, dass er nachweislich teilweise richtig, da die expletives auf meine Persönlichkeit verwendet nur für den Vorschlag gibt es xtian Fanatiker in der SE als auch in anderen Teilen von Nigeria. Es ist noch merkwürdiger aus einem übenden xtians wie mich, aber dann bin ich immun gegen alles. Für Femo der Leopard, der seine Spots nicht verändern kann Der Südwesten ist lautstark und vielen Dank an die zahlreichen Zeitungshäuser in der Süd-West-Achse entlüften sie ihre Milz jederzeit und überall. Der Schrei der Ausgrenzung ist noch zu erreichen das Lärm. Präsident GEJ stellte den Posten des Sprechers, Bundeshaus der Repräsentanten für den Südwesten aber die Ashiwaju verwirrten Nigerianer handelte weg von dieser Position und wählte, um Tambuwal zu hoffen, um GEHE zu schütteln, aber sie schneiden wirklich ihre Nasen ab. Die hohe Position des Vorsitzenden, Stiftungsrat der mächtigsten politischen Partei Afrikas, der Demokratischen Volksdemokratie (PDP), wurde von einem Yoruba-Mann, dem Otta Farmer, kraftvoll besetzt. Er holte die Position von Elder Tony Anenih ab. Als die Otuoke Water Front Mann weigerte sich zu tanzen, um seine kombinierten Apala, Juju und Fuji Disco Musik, er abdicated seinen Thron. Er versucht derzeit verzweifelt, seine Salbung Sohn ohne Erfolg zu installieren, dass 6 Manager von Yoruba Extraktion für Inkompetenz im Federal Aviation Sektor von der Ministerin für Luftfahrt Frau Stella Oduah entlassen wurden, wirft mehr Licht auf die Bestimmung des Präsidenten und Oberbefehlshaber Der nigerianischen Streitkräfte GEJ zur Sanierung des morschen Systems. Die Yoruba-Älteren sollten sich nicht schämen, Frau Onogoruwa aus dem Amt des Bureau of Public Enterprise für dieselbe Inkompetenz herauszuholen. Wir sollten nicht auf die Frage der Sack aus der ethnischen Linsen zu suchen, weil Madam Farida Waziri wurde aus dem NAFDAC ohne Aufheben entfernt. Comptroller General of Service, Frau Rose Chinyere Uzoma wurde vor kurzem für die Verletzung bei der Rekrutierung Übung in ihre parastatale sogar mit nur drei Monate nach ihrem Ruhestand gerichtet. Es ist nicht Geschäft wie üblich Von Senator Iroegbu Sind Sie okay, WAS JEMAND ANDERES KOMMENTAR ERHIELT, MIT MIR ZU TUN. Können Sie nicht mehr lesen. Gehen Sie zurück und überprüfen Sie, und Sie werden sehen, dass ich verspottete Peter2000 jetzt verschleiern als 2000 daher meine lol. Entschuldigen. Du bist ein großer Narr. Ich wünschte nur, ich kann meine Hände auf Sie. DUMMKOPF. Es waren einmal zwei Personen aus dem Staat Benue 8211 Ich bin von diesem Staat 8211, der zwei der Spitzenpositionen in der Regierung einnimmt: Justiz Katsina-Alu als Oberrichter der Föderation und David Mark als Präsident des Senats (Senator Mark noch da). Was waren die Auswirkungen auf das Wohlergehen des durchschnittlichen Menschen im Staat Die Antwort lautet: Keine. So Ernennungen in Top-Positionen in Regierung aus einer Region nicht unbedingt bringen Entwicklung in die Region. Süd-West sollte einen Farbton und Schrei erheben, wenn sie bei der Vergabe von Aufträgen der Bundesregierung für infrastrukturelle Entwicklungen vernachlässigt werden. Und die Realität ist, dass Süd-West ist der mos begünstigt in den Aspekt der infrastrukturellen Entwicklung unter Präsident Jonathan. Sie sollten fett sein, um Ihre Ansprüche s mit Beispielen zurück. Warum ich kein Anhänger von ACN-Diktatoren bin, sollte Herr Präsident keinem Teil dieses Landes ein Gefühl der Marginalisierung geben. Er sieht eher wie ein SE-amp SS-Präsident und nur beschwichtigen den Norden für politische Zweckmäßigkeit. Check out OBJ Termine und Disposition und vergleichen mit GEJ. Ich rate ihm, über die Politik der Opposition in SW hinauszusehen und NIGERIA treu zu dienen. 8220he sieht eher wie ein SE-amp SS president8221 Ha Ha, u Menschen nur can8217t Hilfe urselves können u U müssen paranoiden Halluzinationen über igbo Menschen haben, wenn ur Frau doesn8217t geben u Sex, abi Da sind ein Blockhead, Multiple-Choice-Frage für u - Was Ist GEJ Herkunft und ethnische Zugehörigkeit. A) Ijaw b) Bayelsa c) Süd-Süd d) Otuoke im Leerlauf alte faul politische Arbeitssuchende, die nie verlassen Nigeria allein. Inzwischen GEJ baut Lagos Ibadan ausdrücken, dass Ihre hässlichen Orang-Utang-Bruder konnte nicht in 8 Jahren im Amt. Ihre hässliche Orang Utang Bruder baute keine Projekte in den Südwesten überhaupt in 8 Jahren stattdessen er Kommissionierung Streit links rechts und Mitte. Wir können Leute aus aller Gemeinde in Nigeria zur Regierung ernennen, weshalb wir unser ganzes Geld für die Gehaltszahlung ausgeben. Jeder will in der Regierung arbeiten. Das hässliche Orang-Utan (oder wie es es nannte es orang utang) ist diejenige, die die Entstehung Ihres Schimpansen zu verwirklichen. Blockhead Manners Lol ur rechts er sieht aus wie ein Schimpanse .. ein Affe auf dem Rücken bis 2015 Sie sind so dumm in Ihrem Beitrag Hören Sie, was Sie gerade gesagt haben, wenn es Sinn macht. Jetzt haben wir die Pflicht, Jonathan besonderen Dank für den Bau von ib / Lagos zu geben. Wir haben die Leute für ihn gestimmt und wir haben das Recht, jede Parteilichkeit in unserer Regierung in Frage zu stellen. Habe ich höre, Sie sagen Konstrukt oder Sie bedeutete rehabilitate Ein Blick auf die EAST / WESTSTRASSE sollte in der Lage, Nigerianer zu beraten, dass Jonathan kann nichts für sich selbst oder jemanden tun, auch wenn sein Leben davon abhängt. Wie er gezeigt hat, dass, obwohl das wirtschaftliche Leben seiner Heimatregion von dieser Straße buchstäblich abhängt. Jetzt sehe ich, dass es vielleicht sinnlos weiter zu belästigen ihn zu tun, was er einfach nicht über die Fähigkeit oder Kompetenz zu tun. Weisheit kann bitten, daß wir ihm erlauben, seine Freudefahrt fortzusetzen, um ihn dann im Jahre 2015 hinauszujagen. Obwohl ein großer Preis zu zahlen ist, aber wir für diese negative Verwandlung 2011 gewählt haben. Sorry Nigeria. Haben Sie schon einmal die Ost-West-Straße gesehen. Stoppen Sie sitzen auf der Vorderseite der Tastatur und wiederholen Sie den Mist hören Sie täglich. Die Ost-West-Straße ist noch nicht fertig, aber hier geht es weiter. Was machte OBJ für seine Region in seinen acht Jahren. Warum sind alle Ihre Straßen im Südwesten in völliger Verlegenheit. Die inkompetente Jona hat in 2 Jahren mehr getan, als es dein weiser Herr in acht Jahren getan hat. Herr Peter2000. Dieses ist nicht der alte Durchschlag, in dem Sie und Isaac ubiomo kommentieren und mit wenig Raum für Antwort laufen können. Hier werden Sie voll bezahlt. Vertrauen Sie mir, werden Sie in vollem Umfang bezahlt in Kürze. Punch könnte neu sein, um disqus Forum. Ich bin nicht. Warten auf Ihre Zahlung. Ich habe den ganzen Tag mit Ihnen zu begleichen. Die Ost / West-Straße ist jetzt nicht mehr so schlimm. Es ist 85 Ok jetzt für diejenigen von Ihnen, die nicht über ore Meine guten Leute im Südwesten gegangen, Präsident Jonathan beschwichtigt den Norden viel, er ist nicht einmal auf die Bedürfnisse der Menschen im alten Südosten zu sehen. Präsident Jonathan, wo ist die zweite Niger-Brücke Wann werden die ersten internationalen Flüge beginnen Landung und Start von Akanu Ibiam International Flughafen, Enugu, wie von späten Präsidenten Yar8217adua vorgeschlagen Warum müssen die Menschen der alten Südosten noch überlassen werden, um die hässliche und lange Straße von zu reisen Lagos in den alten Osten nach der Landung auf Lagos Flughafen Präsident Jonathan muss eilen, um die Beschwerden seiner Anhänger zu hören, die ernsten Bedürfnisse der Menschen, die ihn massenhaft in die Macht, einschließlich der Menschen im Südwesten, bevor er verliert alles. Schrei alles, was Sie wollen, er doesn8217t geben ein verdammt Der Mann hadn8217t kümmerte sich um Creek Straßen im Auftrag des wirklichen Präsidenten Yaradua, und Sie wollen wirklich, dass er nach Osten Straßen Wake up dude Mein lieber, dieser Art Präsident ohne politische Überzeugung Reifen mir o Hat er sogar wissen, dass die bis Nord-Gruppe er reichlich beschwichtigen kann nicht einmal für ihn stimmen, wenn er läuft im Jahr 2015 John J Alozieuwa Wenn ausgebildete yorubas nicht einmal wissen, Nigeria über Benin Wenn Inspiration der Bildung viele wissen nicht, den Unterschied zwischen Calabar und Aba wenig Fragen sie sich von Marginalisierung. Gerechtigkeit zu yourba Leuten sein nicht ihre sinnvollen Führer, die in dieser Übung schwelgen. Ich vermute, seine Gruppe sucht nach Relevanz in ihrem Land. Es gibt keine föderale Präsenz in igboland. Sogar der Fluss Niger Brücke in Onitshal keine Führung in Nigeria hat die Intelligenz das Temperament nicht einmal die Menschheit zu sehen, die Notwendigkeit, diese Brücke repariert für Afrikaner haben Hass und Primitivität, die weder Bildung noch Religion in der Lage zu temperieren. Kein einziger Nigerianer des Gewissens hat Kampagne oder rief die Aufmerksamkeit der Govt auf die Todesfalle, dass die Benin Onitsha Straße ist. Sogar die igbo Führer können nicht einmal uinite und fordern die Regierung Aufmerksamkeit auf dieser road8230 Ich don8217t erwarten, dass meine Leute zu betteln Jonathan für die Ernennung, wenn nicht für ihre Abhängigkeit von der Abuja-Saft. Sie stimmten zu, dass Sie während der Präsidentschaftswahl im Vergleich zu Ribadu und Buhari en masse für ihn gestimmt haben, aber er kennt keine politische Taktik. Er hängt nur von seinen Beratern ab. Deshalb beschloß er, seinen Wohltäter zu missbrauchen. Dennoch sollte mein Volk auch wissen, dass Nigeria zu allen Stämmen gehört, die an dem nigerianischen Projekt beteiligt waren. Es kann nicht repräsentativ sein, aber Sie müssen nur auf die nächste Wahl warten, nachdem diejenigen, die aus Abuja stehlen nur den gestohlenen Kuchen mit ihren jeweiligen Familien teilen. Ich stimme mit John Alozieuwa überein, dass die meisten meiner Leute durch die Ost-West-Achse nicht viel über Benin wissen. Jedermann, dass sein Name nicht Yoruba oder Hausa ist oder wer nicht Buba und Sokoto trägt, ist 8220Omo Ibo8221, aber sie sind sehr entgegenkommend und erweitern auch ihre Liebe zu anderen Stämmen, außer wenn sie Hass einleiten. Das Endergebnis ist, dass ein Sitzpräsident, der keinen Hauptstamm in Nigeria unterbringt, für einen Ausdruck vorbereitet werden sollte. Alle diese 8216chop amp sauberen Mund Ältesten, welchen Nutzen würde dies Ihre Kampagne an die Massen oder Region im Allgemeinen bringen Wir don8217t wollen gefälschte politische Ausverkauf Ältesten vorgeben, Führer zu sein, sind Yoruba genug erleuchtet, um zu wissen, wer ihre wirklichen Führer sind. Anstatt den massiven Zerfall der Infrastruktur anzusprechen, dreht sich alles um das Teilen des nationalen Kuchens und das Ausfüllen der 8220vacant Positionen8221 mit ihren Kindern amp Konkubinen Tat die Region nicht leiden Vernachlässigung unter seinem 8220son8221 in der sogenannten Mainstream für 8 Jahre Als ein dominierender Stamm gesegnet mit Sollten die Debatten im s / westlichen über dieses primordiale, ethnozentrierte Stadium hinaus in entwicklungspolitische und politikorientierte Austausche hineinwachsen. Warten wir ab, wie diese Yorubas in den kommenden Tagen zu spät stimmen würden. Warten Sie, bis 2015 Femi, you8217re flach. Glauben Sie, dass yoruba auf ihrem eigenen Gewinn nigeria8217s Präsidentschaft. Vergessen Sie all dies Ihre heiße Luft. Yorubas sind der größte Nutznießer des nigerianischen Projekts. Nach yoruba, Hausa-fulani ist die nächste in gestohlenen nigeri8217s gemeinsamen Reichtum. Jedes Mal, wenn du deinen Jonathan bedrohst, als könntest du alleine tun. Abiola litt und wurde in den Händen der nördlichen Militärs getötet, weil er es gewagt hatte, sich zum Präsidenten im Epetado zu erklären. Und du fühlst dich so wichtig wie Machtmakler. Suspendive Bundesregierungen haben föderalen Ölgeld in den Lagos Zustand gegossen. Viele Jahre als Bundeshauptstadt entwickelten Seehäfen, gebaut Industrien und alle diese anziehenden Industrien von sich selbst, aber einige Teile von Nigeria haben nicht einen Prozent einer solchen massiven Bundespräsenz hatte. Obasanjo war an der Macht seit acht Jahren und aus dem größten Teil dieser Jahre war er de facto Petroleumminister und teilte Ölblöcke zu seinen Verwandten bei, während gleichzeitig Malabuöl sein Block OPL-245, der einzige bedeutende Block, der von ijaw besessen wurde, verweigerten Mann. Obasanjo stellte 0K-LNG auf, obwohl er nicht genug Gas für sie hatte, wenn andere Teile von Nigeria mit viel Ölproduktion wie SE nichts hatten. Es ist lehrreich zu beachten, dass SW am meisten von nigeria8217s Ölreichtum und Multi-Staatsangehörigen und Beschäftigungen profitiert hat, müssen Sie in PH, EKET und WARRI, ESCRAVOS, in den multinationalen Unternehmen, die in ND wie: SHELL, CHEVRON, EXON MOBIL, AGIP und ADDAX etc zu verstehen, yoruba Herrschaft zum Ausschluss auch der Eigentümer der Ressourcen und Land, aber sie sprechen. Wenn dies nicht reine Gier und Egoismus ist, bitte was ist. Sie sehen, SE versucht, seinen ersten internationalen Flughafen zu bekommen, da Nigeria geboren wurde, ist es strukturell so marginalisiert worden, dass der Kano-Staat allein fast die gleiche Anzahl von LGAS wie SE hat, mit nur fünf Staaten. Flüsse Staat z. B. sammelt etwa 20 Milliarden monatliche Zuteilung, während die gesamte SE-Staaten Summe der monatlichen Zuteilung ist geringer als das, gilt auch mit anderen Staaten in SS im Vergleich zu SE, noch SW marginalisiert. Lagos Rechen in monatlichen IGR von mehr als 30billion Naira aufgrund seiner Vorteile wegen, was Bundes Govt Capital Federal tat es als fmr mit Seehäfen und andere Infrastruktur, wenn Sie Bundeszuweisung hinzufügen können Sie sich vorstellen, und Fashola mit solch schändliche wenig Einfluss in comparism mit weaalth bei seinem. Die Beseitigung des Nichtstuns greift auch Jonathan an, der offensichtlich ohne Vorurteile besser ist. Jonathan, macht ernsthafte Auswirkungen auf die Macht, Luftfahrt, Attraktion der ausländischen Investitionen etc, aber diejenigen, die böse haben beschlossen, es nicht zu sehen. Kein Präsident, seit der Geburt von Nigeria hat so viel Einfluss wie jonathan gemacht. Obasanjo war einfach ein Gauner, die Probleme schuf er in ajaokuta, ALSCON wir noch zu lösen, Savanah Zucker numan. Verbieten alle SE-Unternehmen IBETO, SLOKAirline, Savana Bank anderen bösen und hasserfüllten Pläne gegen einen Teil seiner vermeintlichen Wahlkreis, gibt es viel zu schreiben, aber so weit zu stoppen. Haben Sie gesagt, Sie sind Arzt Von was genau verstehen Sie die ettiqudtte der Debatte Nun es doesn8217t mit Beleidigung beginnen. Mein 3-jähriger weiß das. Grmng oduduwa8230una nur aufwachen aus von nackten Tänzerinnen. Na dis Gesichter sein unser Problem für naija..nigerdelta gehen Regel wieder .. Igbo dann mittlere Gürtel b4 betrachten wir una MENSCHEN SOLLTEN TALKING ÜBER MARGINALISIERUNG IN NIGERIA. ES IST ZEIT FÜR MENSCHEN ZUR VORBEREITUNG FÜR SEPARATION B / C NIGERIA IST UNWORKABLE. UND NIGERIA ALS ENTITY ENTITY BIS 2014. SO, MÖCHTE SOLLTEN HOME UND VORBEREITEN, IHRE NEUE NATIONEN ALS NIGERIA COLLAPS BAUEN. SIE. WENN SIE KÖPFE NICHT GLÜCKLICH BITTE LASSEN SIE US DIVIDE. 8220THIS COUNTRY HEUTE WIR SIND READY8230YOROBAS IST DIE GRÖSSTE KENNTNIS IN IRGENDWIE IN DER WELT ALS MENSCHEN, DIE WIE TRIBALISMUS. WE8217RE AM ARBEITEN IN UK, YOROBAS MAN WIRD AUSGEBAUT LIKE IGBO MAN SO DASS SEINE FOLGEN YOROBAS DIE POSITION NEHMEN, so dass Sie zurück sind, bluckhead wo bist du Ich denke, unsere alten papas sind nicht fest in Kontakt mit den Realitäten des nigerianischen Staat. Anstatt sich mit unnötigen Muskelbewegungen mit GEJ zu beschäftigen, sollten sie gehen und sich treffen, um sicherzustellen, dass sich die Region vereint und vermutlich eine Einheitsfront entweder im Kontext der bestehenden Nation bilden oder als getrennte Nation existieren, nachdem alle 40 Millionen Menschen keine Kleine geographische Einheit zu wenig, um als ein Land existiert. Ich habe genug Forschung auf Länder weltweit getan und ich entdeckte, daß so viele wohlhabende Nationen in der Welt heute ein einzigartiges System haben, das Entwicklung erhöht, deren Kernwerte und kulturelle Verhältnisse sind. Sind wir in nigeria Zusammenhang WIE VIELE YOROBAS ODER Northerns HABEN EIN HAUS IN IGBO LAND TODAY..NO WE8217RE SIE, DASS IN SOUTH EAST ABER KEIN WE8217RE IN NIGERIA MOSTLY SIE NICHT SEHEN IGBO MANN UND SEIN SACH 8230WHICH Leute wollen ONE NIGERIA sehen können. ABER unser Präsident IN ALLEN CONNER IN NIGERIA TRYING, BITTE YOROBAS LASSEN SIE DIESE, DIE IHR MENSCHEN OPEN..BECAUSE wollen nicht dafür bezahlen UNS FÜR GUT zu tun haben Sie London Boy Kommentar, werden Sie gehen und bauen Haus in einem Ort werden Sie Nicht sicher fühlen. Denken Sie nur an Ihren Kommentar und Sie werden entdecken, dass Yoruba nur an einen Ort gehen wird, wo sie gedeihen werden. Sind Yorubas nicht in den USA, Großbritannien, S Afrika, etc. sind Yorubas nicht im Norden. Zumindest sind sie viele im mittleren Gürtel. Stoppen Sie, tribalistic zu sein. Mit Kidnapping Vorfälle zunehmend täglich in SE auch die Igbos wie Sie sich sicher fühlen, leben in Yoruba Land. Wenn Sie Streit dies, versuchen Sie einen Besuch in jedem Staat in Ihrem verfluchten Igboland und Sie werden glücklich, wieder lebendig und erzählen die Geschichte von Alle yorubas kommentieren auf diesem forum, schreibt niemand nicely wie Sie Mr igboman. Appaluse. Sie sind die Chief Whip, Ashiwaju verwirrt Nigerianer. Ihre clannish Vorgeschichte sind im Freien. Der Leopard kann nicht ändern, seine Spots Es gibt keine Notwendigkeit für diese Väter zu machen Fall für die yorubas, in der Tat ist diese neueste Entwicklung und beredte Beweise, dass sie aus der Berührung mit der Realität in Yoruba Nation sind, haben Bundestermine nichts zu sinnvoll zu bieten Und zur gleichen Zeit haben wir festgestellt, dass wir gedeihen können, indem wir unsere eigene Gemeinschaft in Fleiß und omoluabi Erbe Diese alten Männer haben das Geld, das sie von Mimiko so bald Ok zu FG erschöpft Er wird sicherlich seinen Finger beißen. Er hat gelegt als Regeln jetzt, alle Positionen sind für seinen Süden gesucht und suchten nach Osten. 8220Jona Azikwe Ebere 8221 Seine Regierung ist eine ethnische Regierung. Machtmister Ibo, Gesundheitsminister Ibo, Luftfahrtminister Ibo, Arbeitsminister Ibo, Petroleumminister Ibo / ijaw, Finanzminister Ibo, gefüttert Gov Sekretärin Ibo, Präsident Ibo / ijaw. Wir sind alle für seine Ausfahrt bis 2015 zu beobachten. Sehr disunity Mann Olu Falae, können Sie alles sehen Diese alten Männer haben das Geld, das ihnen von Mimiko so bald erschöpft ist Jonathan ist der Tribalismus Präsident Nigeria ich je gekannt haben. Er hasst Yoruba mit Leidenschaft Jetzt ist er fixiert Hausa 8211 Fulani in einer offenen Position, um seine zweite Amtszeit im Jahr 2015 zu sichern. Aber er ist so dumm, dass Northerners nicht nehmen 8220No8221 für eine Antwort im Jahr 2015, egal wie er versucht, sie zu gefallen Ihre Unterstützung. Siebzig Prozent sind nur darauf warten, dass er sein Interesse an der Wahl 2015 zu erklären und die Menschen staunen, wie die Notleute werden auf die neue APC bewegen und stimmen für die nördlichen Picks als Präsidentschaftskandidat. Mittlerweile bildet Südwesten bereits eine Allianz mit dem Norden, um die Zeitlupe aus dem Büro zu drücken. Chief Falae amp Co. sollte nicht plädieren, ihn zu reservieren nichts 2015 ist um die Ecke und er wird aus Aso Rock getreten werden. Fragen Sie die durchschnittliche Nigerian, welche Gruppe von Personen optimiert Tribalismus. Was ist die Unausgewogenheit über die Marginalisierung Wenn die Yoruba-Leute und nicht wenige selbsternannte Älteste den Stil von GEJ verärgern, lassen Sie sie warten, bis die nächsten Wahlen ihm ein Stück ihres Verstandes geben. Verlassen GEJ allein, er hatte sich selbst versagt und versagte Yoruba immer wieder, kann er nicht zurückkehren, um Aso Rock ohne Yoruba unterstützt, Bitte lassen Sie alle Yoruba8217s warten, bis 2015, wenn ich bin so sicher, er wird aus dem Büro gekickt werden. Yorubas sind zu tribalistisch. Ich bin von Yoruba Herkunft, aber ich behaupte nicht, dass Stamm Ursache sind sie wirklich schlecht. Ich lieber meinen mum8217s Zustand. Wer sagt, dass Jonathan8217s Wiederwahl hängt Yorubas sind sie Götter Sie sind wirklich uneins und böse gesinnt, voller diabolischer Kämpfe gegen sich selbst. Wie können die Erwartungen vorankommen Lassen Sie sie gehen und überprüfen ihre Möglichkeiten und stoppen Schuld Jonathan für ihre Leiden Und Sie selbst ist nicht schlechtDo Sie wusste, wht ur sayingIf nt für yoruba, buhari würde hv bn in Aso jetzt cos yoruba Stimmen zählt stark. Denyin Ur Stamm macht mich leid für u. Na wa oooo Genau, sie fühlen sich, dass das ganze Land zusammenbrechen wird ohne ihre Stimmen, wir alle brauchen einander zu überleben, Norden, Süden, Osten und Westen. Kein Mensch ist eine Insel, so aufhören zu denken, u sind besser oder mehr relevant als andere cos u sind nicht. Sie sind nichts als Omo ale Präsident Jonathan nur can8217t bekommen eine Pause. Der Mann wird täglich ungerechtfertigten Angriffen und einfachen Verzerrungen über seine Platte unterworfen. Der nigerianische Wirtschaftsmotor, der hauptsächlich Lagos ist und gelegen in Yoruba Land ist zZ der Begünstigte der massiven Bundesmittel, um seine Häfen zu erweitern, und der Muritala Muhammed Flughafen. Vor kurzem öffnete die nigerianische Eisenbahngesellschaft die Bahnlinie nach Kano von Lagos wieder. Diese Linie verbindet mehrere Städte im Land von Yoruba, wodurch die Wirtschaft des Yoruba-Landes in der menschlichen und materiellen Beförderung durch die Züge deutlich verbessert wird. Dieses Projekt kostet Milliarden von Dollar. Die Lagos Ibadan Autobahn, wie die Shagamu Benin Expressway, ist derzeit unter einem Multi-Milliarden-Naira Vertrag für erneuerbare und Re-Asphaltierung. Eine neue Bundesuniversität wird derzeit im Ekiti-Staat aufgebaut, Jonathan ernannte einen Yoruba-Mann, Air Marshall Petinrin, als Chef des Verteidigungsstabes und nach seinem Ruhestand einen anderen Yoruba-Mann, Ola Saad Ibrahim als seinen Ersatz. Es war nicht Jonathan8217s Schuld, dass seine bevorzugte Yoruba Kandidat für die Sprecher des Hauses von ACN Mitglieder des Hauses sabotiert wurde, weil Tinubu seine islamischen bonafides vor Northern Muslime aufzupolieren wollte, damit seine ACN Mitglieder des Repräsentantenhauses angewiesen, eine stimm Muslim Northerner (Tambuwal) für die Position. Die SGF-Position wurde im Südosten zoniert, genau wie die Position des Sprechers8217s im Südwesten zoniert wurde. Warum war die Rolle von Tinubu in der Versetzung dieser Anordnung nicht von der YUF verurteilt. Die Gerichte waren von Babangida und Abacha mit den Norden verpackt, und diese Nordjuristen bauten ihr Dienstalter. Obasanjo hatte die Chance, etwas dagegen zu tun und er nicht. Was die Yoruba Unity Forum sollte jetzt darauf konzentrieren, ist die muslimischen fünften Kolumnisten in ihren Reihen zu schlagen zurück, angeführt von Tinubu, der langsam aber sicher für die Verwendung als Verhandlungsmasse mit muslimischen Radikalen aus Nordnigeria Kontrolle der Politik in Yoruba Land ergreifen für Kontrolle der Bundesgewalt. Die dejavu in all dies der Verrat auf Afonja vom Fulanis begangen ist er vertraut mit ihm ein Bündnis zu halten, aber wer ihn ermordet und verbrannt sein Körper auf dem Marktplatz von Ilorin, fuhr dann fort, ein Emirat in dieser Mehrheit Yoruba Stadt zu erklären . Buhari, El Rufai, Sheik Gumi und das ganze Los nordischer radikaler muslimischer Führer konnten einen ähnlichen Sucker-Schlag nach Tinubu und durch Erweiterung nach Yoruba Land wieder liefern. Die christlichen, großen Yoruba politischen Führer (Macauley, Awolowo, Odebiyi, Adesanya, Ajasin, Ige und Bisi Onabanjo) werden in ihren Gräbern zu rollen, was Tinubu und seine Yoruba muslimischen Scheichs und Shariarists, wie Aregbesola, tun, um ihre geliebten Yoruba Land. Ich fürchte, dass mit der Zeit, wenn die muslimische Herrschaft der Yoruba-Politik nicht überprüft wird, das tolerante Yoruba-Land, das wir heute alle kennen, boko-haramisiert werden könnte. Sie begannen auf bemerkenswerte Punkte, obwohl abrupt punktiert durch jonathan8217s imaginären Errungenschaften. Aber Sie deflationiert Ihre Punkte, wenn Sie Ihre Schlussfolgerung auf Religion voraus. Yorubas 8211 sowohl Christen als auch Muslime sind keine Fanatiker im Gegensatz zu den Nord - und Süd-Ost Wie hat sich Ihre Predigt der religiösen Toleranz in Yorubaland im Tandem mit der Aggressivität von Aregbesola und sein Antrieb für Islamisierung Osun Er ist Boko Haram in der Herstellung von Osama Bin Laden begonnen Off als ein guter Kerl in den Farbton von Mujaheeden Druck der sowjetischen Besatzer von Afghanistan, um nach Sibirien. Heute ist Al-Qaida die stärkste terroristische Organisation der Welt, die überall Chaos verursacht. Der Nachklang von Al-Qaida im Mahgreb wird direkt in Nigeria gefühlt und daher unsere eilige Reise nach Mali Ricky Ed die Orang-Utal ist eigentlich ein Eingeborener Onitsha mit einem königlichen Blut. Lesen Sie bitte die Nationzeitung von Oktober 2012. Einmal Onitsha Mann, der schließlich Obi von Onitsha wurde, zeigte ihn, als er zu einer südwestlichen Stadt kam, um als ein Polizist zu arbeiten. So sehen Sie, sollten Sie vermeiden, einen Stein auf den Markt zu werfen. Ist Aregbesola die ganze yoruba Annahme, Sie haben Recht. Denken. Sind alle Northern Boko Harams Oh, was ein Wunder der Macht der grauen Substanz. Welches Loch haben Sie gerade gekrochen aus Bitte gehen Sie zurück zu Ihrem alten Dorf, und bitte nehmen Sie Ihre alte Geschichte zurück mit Ihnen, das ist das Jahr 2013, die Dinge haben sich geändert Herr Methuselah. Diejenigen, die nicht aus der Geschichte lernen, sind verurteilt, die Fehler der Geschichte zu wiederholen, so sagte die unvergleichliche Wole Soyinka in einer seiner unvergesslichen öffentlichen Vorlesungen. Ilorin, eine Mehrheit Yoruba Stadt, bleibt ein Fulani kontrolliertes Emirat. Warum ist Tinubu langsam, aber sicher wiederholt den Fehler von Aare Ona Kakanfo Afonja Seine aktuelle Romantik mit radikalen nördlichen Islamisten und die langfristigen Konsequenzen auf Toleranz und gesellschaftlichen Fortschritt in Yoruba Land sollten Sie betreffen, es sei denn, Sie sind ein Yoruba Scheich (islamischen religiösen Führer). Wasser Kein Get Enemy Diese alten Politiker sollten aufhören zu weinen Wolf, wo es keine gibt, wo waren Tag in den Tagen der OBJand und was sinnvolle Beiträge haben sie an ihre CommunitiesI bitten, sind sie nicht Yoruba Ältesten, sie sind nur politische Arbeitssuchende, die suchen Für Bundes-Arbeitsplätze für ihre Bezirke und Kronen. Yorubas sind nicht marginalized überhaupt, weil sie nicht für d regierende Partei stimmten und mehr so, sie sind in d opposition, also was erwarten sie Ricky. Sie können die Wahrheit behandeln. Subtrahieren South West Stimmen von Jonathan8217s 2011 Präsidentschaftswahlen Ergebnisse und you8217ll haben Buhari als Präsident. Ich kann nicht warten, bis 2015, wenn Ihr Stammes-Präsident wird aus Büro überwältigend von den Yorubas abgestimmt werden. Ich versichere Ihnen, Jonathan ist auf dem Weg aus Aso Rock kommen 2015. Yorubas wird überstimmend gegen ihn stimmen 8211 QED Gute talkI knw Menschen werden nie bleiben, um d Wahrheit 2015 ist richtig bhind uns, wenn Jona wird seine Last aus Aso Rock packen Und seine A-Klasse korrupte Governance. Der Südwesten ist lautstark und vielen Dank an die zahlreichen Zeitungshäuser in der Süd-West-Achse entlüften sie ihre Milz jederzeit und überall. Der Schrei der Ausgrenzung ist noch zu erreichen das Lärm. Präsident GEJ stellte den Posten des Sprechers, Bundeshaus der Repräsentanten für den Südwesten aber die Ashiwaju verwirrten Nigerianer handelte weg diese Position und gewählt, um zu wählen Tambuwal, das hofft, GEHE zu taten, aber sie schneiden wirklich ihre Nasen ab. Die erhabene Position des Vorsitzenden, des Kuratoriums der mächtigsten politischen Partei in Afrika, der Demokratischen Volksdemokratie (PDP) wurde von einem Yoruba-Mann, dem Otta Farmer, kraftvoll besetzt. Er holte die Position von Elder Tony Anenih ab. Als die Otuoke Water Front Mann weigerte sich zu tanzen, um seine kombinierten Apala, Juju und Fuji Disco Musik, er abdicated seinen Thron. Er versucht derzeit desparately seine Salbung Sohn ohne Erfolg Das 6-Manager der Yoruba-Extraktion zu installieren wurden in der Federal Aviation Sector vom Minister für Luftfahrt Frau Stella Oduah wegen Unfähigkeit entlassen, wirft mehr Licht auf die Bestimmung des Präsidenten und Oberbefehlshaber Der nigerianischen Streitkräfte GEJ zur Sanierung des morschen Systems. Die Yoruba-Älteren sollten sich nicht schämen, Frau Onogoruwa aus dem Amt des Bureau of Public Enterprise für dieselbe Inkompetenz herauszuholen. Wir sollten nicht auf die Frage der Sack aus der ethnischen Linsen zu suchen, weil Madam Farida Waziri wurde aus dem NAFDAC ohne Aufheben entfernt. Comptroller General of Service, Mrs. Rose Chinyere Uzoma was recently axed for infraction in the recruitment exercise into her parastatal even with just three months to her retirement. It is not business as usual By Senator Iroegbu mikkyduff, u didn8217t mention d gr8 professor Nnaji dat was, in dis gej regime, there8217s no room 4 laziness and favoritism dat d yorubas r known for, if it takes only d igbos or d SS 2 develop nigeria as we saw in d super eagles so be it. UP GEJ, UP HARDWORKING IGBOS AND SS Ayobami you people are pathetic, god have mercy, so you have taken your tribalism into football, Ndigbo you guys will destroy this country with your attitude, is there nobody to call you guys to order. With what God has given to you in south west yet you are crying of marginalization the earlier the yoruba realized that economic power belongs to them the better. what else do you want under this vision less leader. i think if they are talking of marginalization it is Igbo that suffer the brunt most. Yoruba people should thank God and learn to be appreciative. These so called leaders of thoughts should please forget the issue of marginalization. the yoruba race self marginalized when the Egbas blindly and thoughtlesly voted out Bankole the former speaker. where were these leaders then it was then they ought to have done what a leader should have done: determine where the tree would have fallen. they didnt appeal to thier brethren when they ought to have done it. they were playing parlour politics and now want Jonathan to help them do thier work. i advise them to please go back to either thier pulpit of farms as the case may be and stop crying over a spilled milk LAwal Jubril Abeokuta Nigeria (email160protected ) You are right sir, was waiting for a day like this. BAT and co was supporting Tambawaul against their kins, now they are shouting. God will keep us the next generation to change the order. GEJ drinks too much apetesi and he forgets all about Yoruba. The YUF cry is not in line at all. The govt or Mr. President fear is that nothing done to you people is OKAY. Every Nigerian has known this as a FACT. While every part of Nigeria is claiming to be marginalised (indicative, in my opinion of bad governance by Nigerria8217s current handlers), the claim by Yoruba elders, that 8216the marginalisation of the South-West zone in the distribution of political positions is an attempt to excise the zone out of the federation8217 is nothing but a hyperbole 8211 an exaggerated or extravagant statement to create a strong emotional response. E ro ra Sirs Unless we stop this tribal show and allow for competency and commitement, Nigeria may not witness changes. Terfa Terfa, you are not there so you may not understand. The so-called elders should let us know what they have done for the region on their own. Don8217t think they are altrusitic, they are not. Bunch of foolish imbeciles. You turn everything to politics. They want to make yoruba man a speaker, your lord, Tinubu worked against it to make himself looks like the only important yoruba person in Nigeria. How can you ripe something you didn8217t sore. They they should shut up Chisimci, you just hit the point. I wish to ask if these yoruba elders took time to ask why they were really marginalised or who really marginalised them. Please havw you cared to ask your Yoruba house of representatives how they voted when their 8220SISTER8221 contested against a hausa man, this amounts to barking up the wrong tree by the Yoruba elders. Jonathan can never be more Yoruba than Tinibu or ACN caucus in the house of representatives. S I pray that they go back home and make enquiries bwfore coming to Jonathan. As yoruba man i can understand that yoruba people are not in any important position in the present goverment but who cares in as much nigeria can move forward as long we still call it one nigeria which i dont believed in a million year. the bottom line is this. to the folks complaining. please dont go and join the sinking taitanic 8230823082308230 Omo Ogun, omo ogun This are no elders, what has being in the government got to do with good leadership Instead of this so called elders to request good leadership the bunch are looking for how they will get something as well. If Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba, Delta, Ibibio, Tif man is there and the whole country is happy who else cares if his brother is there I am really trying not to insult this old guys so am going to stop here Ajayi Jide Lawrence Terfa, you are wrong. If you have a rich brother who does not even give you a kobo, outsiders will think twice before molesting you. You may not be able to quantify the contributions Justice Katsina Alu and the Senate President have made to develop Benue. Mark, in reference to the prowess of Lionel Messi quoted by Bamanga Tukur, David Mark is ready to lay down his life for his people to have a state. What about that Can an ordinary member of the Senate pull that weight I, m highly disappointed on Chief FALAE, s comments on GEJ, concerning marginalization in S. W. it is only S. E and S. S can cry foul in particular. The Igbos was cheated by having only 5 states why S. W had 6 states. Still Nigeria keep on saying the six geo-political zones while putting the Igbos at disadvantaged position despict Igbo, s enormous population in Nigeria and in diaspora that amounted more than 35 million while having more than such figures presently at home. There is no federal pressence in the S. E compared to S. W that had everything constructed with the nations common wealth. The S. S equally suffered same faith if not being worse off than S. E, every infrastructure put in place in the S. E was done by individual or by communal efforts. For the whole 38 yrs the north held sway since independence, the S. W was totally swarving positions with the north at the detriment of other race. OBJ came on board for good eight yrs, the S. W also took every positions but no one complains, now a highly respected elderly statesman like FALAE assemble these August meeting charlatans to enmesh racial segregation among the new generation, simply because GEJ failed to allocate choice positions to his friends in the S. W within only 2yrs of GEJ, s reign, I, m honestly disappointed on this man called OLU FALAE. Mr. Ahmed may the almighty God bless you in manifold. I think you8217ve said it all. It is better not to be part of this God forsaken, lacklustre and inept govt, than to loose one8217s integrity by being identified with this vision less administration. Come to look at it this set of jobless yoruba elders are in the country when one of them-Doyin Okupe was blowing wrong trumpet tune to every song from GEJ. When they had access to make a mark while in government you see them romancing all forms of policies from the govt. They are now looking for recognition from somebody that is lost grip of Nigerian economy. They better go and consolidate their various constituency and forget about any recognition from this confused regime If a proper census figure is taken, the result will show that the Yorubas are the largest ethnic group in Nigeria. For that reason alone, this YUF complaint should be given the due consideration that it merits by the Presidency. In the other hand the YUF should see to it that the like of Alhaji Ahmed Tinubu does not monopolise Yoruba Leadership with his ACN party. The man is a bad apple. The creeping Islamisation of our Commonwealth is very scarey. ACN and CPC chumy alliance is a cause for concern given the mass murder and ethnic cleansing of Christians going on in the North. There is no need, Yorubas should withdraw their votes in 2015, period. it is appalling to imagine that these eminent persons are advocating that appointments should be made only on the basis of tribe. how many yoruba states did they deliver to PDP Immigration officers are more corrupt than the police officers, if you think am faking, go and see who they are Murtala International Airport8230..especially the female officers amongs them. I dont know what my Baba Falae is saying here. How can Yoruba Elders say that they are being marginalised, when they were in charge of most of the powerful sectors during Olusegun Obasanjo8217s tenure as a civilian President Is it not Ashiru that is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, or they just want us to notice them Ibos have been far more marginalised than the Yorubas in this country, and yet nobody will kill him/herself because of it. I am being very factual. After Nnamdi Azikiwe, where goeth the Ibos in Nigeria Nowhere Olu Falae should not allow himself to be used to champion false Causes cos most yorubas are elenu meji, who are neither here nor there. You cant do any business with them and trust them, neither can you trust their agreement. In the same way, there is no way you can please them and they will be grateful. (Posted by Barr. miss chigozie ifeoma nwagbara, LL. M 08033335091 email160protected ) FCT. I would have as well seen this and pass but for the purity of records, it is the Yoruba Opposition elements that sold the region out. I saw this coming when Bola Tinubu led ACN (now defunct) in careless disregard to ethnic interest, conspired with a rebellious section of the PDP to disallow a PDP favoured Yoruba female member of the House of Representatives from becoming the Speaker of the House. This was hailed by the Opposition as a blow on the PDP but I said then it is a manifest of senseless politics, as politics is not without interest and party8217s agenda should include regional interest. GEJ will not be more Yoruba than Tinubu and his children who sold the South-West region out in the scheme of things. Of the mentioned offices in the Forum8217s position above, few are by apointment and political negotiations must have been concluded before the Tinubu led coup on the Yorubas. What now does ACN gain from Tambuwa8217s office Now they blame the President for the region8217s exclusion from leadership. I think we our politicians need some training in political studies. This blame should be put on Tinubu8217s ACN and the suicidal coalition with some Northern elements in PDP which produced Tambuwa. I also see other cries in the suicidal merging coming. Time will tell. These selfish old men should just shut up and go take care of their grandchildren. Instead of simply admitting that they are looking for Federal appointments for their own selves, their wives and their children, they are crying as if they truly want it for the region. How is the allocation of federal appointments going to benefit theregion Let these yesterday8217s men go and sit down. They were part of our problems. it is very wrong of us to be bias even as so called elders of this country. i want to know which part of this nation has good roads, low unemployment rate, good hospitals, good school system, adequate electricity, etc. NONE. You see, the entire country is marginalized by the people that selected themselves as presidency, senators. lagislators, governors, state assembly members local chairmen, etc. So S/West, S/south, S/East, N/North, N/East, N/West, N/Central, etc is marginalized but NIGERIA IS MARGINALIZED Pastor Oyika gabriel PH the yorubas should learn their lesson for fighting against themselves. think about the national assembly speaker offered them and oyiniola8217s case in the PDP Senator Iroegbu. how did you came about your mandate to start with. Your sister Oduah sacked 6 Yoruba officials in her failed ministry only to contract 107 Igbos as replacement in the same shameful ministry and you call that competence or responsibility Senator Ireogbu or what do you call yourself, your Igbo sister stella Oduah. sacked 6 Yorubas in her ministry only to contract 107 Igbo men and women as replacement in the same ministry and you want to call that competence or responsibility. I keep wondering how some individuals came about their mandates Is 8216Project Buhari8217 Falling off SIMON KOLAWOLE LIVE By SIMON KOLAWOLE, Email: simon. kolawolethisdaylive There is a confession I8217ve been longing to make: I never expected Candidate Muhammadu Buhari to win the 2015 presidential election. Although I have never hidden my soft spot for him for decades, I somehow expected President Goodluck Jonathan to be returned by any means. I had my reason: I thought no sitting president could be defeated in Nigeria. He has CBN, NNPC, INEC, police, military and even FRSC at his beck and call. How would he lose We all saw the ridiculous results that returned President Olusegun Obasanjo to office in 2003. That made me conclude that it was impossible to defeat an incumbent president. I was sensationally wrong. I underestimated (or, as George W Bush would say, I mis-underestimated) the depth of public anger against Jonathan. Things had piled up Boko Haram, Chibok girls, Madam Patience, allegations of missing 20 billion and strange theories on 8220stealing is not corruption8221. And with the awesome media machinery of the APC, Jonathan had become irreparably damaged. He and the PDP had come to represent everything wrong with Nigeria. Most Nigerians wanted change by all means. It was a mass movement that grew by the day. Buhari finally walked into the room at the right time and became the symbol of hope and change. There and then, something new started. During electioneering, so many things were being written and said about Buhari by overzealous marketers, especially on Twitter and Facebook. These guys, some of them overpaid, knew nothing about Buhari. Because of the over-marketing, unrealistic expectations were being sold to Nigerians. I feared, and I wrote (on January 25, 2015 to be specific), that Buhari was being set up for failure. I had only one expectation: that Buhari would put an end to the mindless impunity in the conduct of government business in Nigeria. That was more realistic. I sympathised with Jonathan because of his soft nature, but he was clearly no longer in charge of his own government. Stripped of the extreme exaggerations and Utopian expectations, Project Buhari was a bold statement by Nigerians that they could resolve to vote out a sitting government contrary to my initial doubts. Embedded in 8220change8221, implicitly, were expectations that Buhari would be markedly different from Jonathan if not, why vote him out in the first place There were legitimate expectations that Buhari would function better, put people of quality and integrity in his government, and address the basic needs of the people. However, there were also unrealistic expectations, particularly on social media, that he would turn stone to bread. Is Project Buhari failing His inexplicable delay in appointing a cabinet, his statement on 97 vs 5, his handling of the Shi8217ite sect and Biafra agitators, the activities of the herdsmen and kidnappers, allegations of rising dictatorship, and, above all, the nose-diving economy have seriously undermined his government. Everywhere you turn to these days, you hear people say 8220this is not the change we voted for8221. The ousted PDP is saying it is time 8220to change the changer8221. The person on the street is disillusioned as economic hardship bites harder. Many who campaigned and voted for Buhari are queuing up to 8220apologise8221 for their role. To worsen matters, his wife, Aisha, took the unprecedented step of openly criticising her husband on BBC Hausa service. It appeared she deliberately picked the medium reputed as the most listened to in West Africa picked the language so you can8217t say something was lost in translation and picked her words my husband has been distributing appointments to those I don8217t know despite my being married to him for 27 years, APC members are angry that they8217ve not been rewarded for their sweat, this government has been hijacked. When your spouse criticises you so brutally and globally, you are in trouble. You don8217t need another opposition party. But is Project Buhari really failing I think our perceptions of, and expectations from, the project are different and so will be our assessments. The March 28, 2015 election, I think, was not a vote for a Joshua to take us to the Promised Land. Rather, it was a vote for a Moses to lead us out of Egypt, to take us across the Red Sea with his rod of integrity, to defeat an incumbent, to change government. The mistake many made was to see Buhari as both Joshua and Moses. Immediately he won the election, they went to sleep. Even things he knew nothing about, like immediate improvement in power supply, were attributed to his legendary 8220body language8221. The initial Buhari euphoria was like the children of Israel crossing the Red Sea and then settling down on the banks for a picnic: eating, drinking, blasting music and 8220rising up to play8221. Unfortunately, the Promised Land is still years away all we did was leave Egypt in the first phase of deliverance. Even after the Israelites left Egypt, the Bible says they spent three days in the Wilderness of Shur looking for water to drink. When they eventually found water at Marah, it was bitter. They couldn8217t drink it. They soon turned on Moses and asked to return to Egypt, saying life in slavery was 8220better8221. Does that sound familiar today as some people sing 8220Bring Back Our Corruption8221 To me, the significance of Project Buhari was that: one, Nigerians can get angry with the ruling government two, the anger can lead to a mass movement three, this anger can be politically mobilised and four, the anger can translate to votes that will count. Logically, therefore, Nigerians can get angry again the anger can lead to another mass movement the anger can be mobilised again the anger can translate to votes that will count again. In fewer words, the same action can be repeated in 2019 if Buhari does not deliver the goods. The Buhari Project is therefore not about Buhari just as French kiss is not about France and bear hugs are not usually with bears. The biggest mistake the Buhari camp made after his victory was to think that the March 28 election was all about him. I have this feeling some people told him he won the election on his own strength, on his own popularity, on his own invincibility. Buhari8217s critics allege that he sees his victory as an opportunity to exact revenge on his enemies, both real and imagined. These were the same fears that made power brokers reject him thrice and a lot of people are now in the mode of 8220didn8217t we warn you8221 as the script plays out. It is not as if I expected Buhari to be a completely new person at 73, but some things have continued to surprise me about him in his second coming. For instance, he has never been an economic genius, so I am not surprised by many of his damaging public pronouncements on the economy. That is Buhari unfiltered. However, I am surprised by his failure to put together a crack team at a time the economy needed the best hands to get out of the woods. Nigeria has grown beyond the capacity of some of the people he put in charge of economic matters. It8217s like running a Rolls Royce with the engine of a Beatle. Or expecting Whatsapp and Instagram to run on Nokia 3310. I am still surprised that it took him six months to make appointments that eventually offered Nigerians virtually nothing spectacular. All said and done, nobody should be apologetic for supporting Buhari. To the extent that Project Buhari was primarily about the power of Nigerians to decide the country8217s future, the project has not failed. In phase one, Nigerians used their thumbs to push out a ruling party. On that note, it was mission accomplished. In phase two, if Buhari disappoints (and I do think Nigerians have given up too easily), I expect voters to go a step further by properly interrogating the candidates that parties put forward in 2019. The 2015 election was to vote Jonathan out the next must have higher and tougher standards. It must be more than defeating an incumbent. I hope the political parties know that Nigerians are now highly mobilisable. The parties should prepare to field candidates who are ready to engage with Nigerians on the basis of ideas and track record. The dynamics that shaped 2015 will most likely be different from what will shape 2019. I am expecting an evolution in our practice of democracy. This, I believe, was kick-started with Project Buhari 2015. It took me by surprise that it worked. It means, I suppose, that Nigerians have finally earned the power to decide who rules them. In that case, Project Buhari is going very well. Change began with us and must continue with us. 8220I hope the political parties know that Nigerians are now highly mobilisable. The parties should prepare to field candidates who are ready to engage with Nigerians on the basis of ideas and track record. The dynamics that shaped 2015 will most likely be different from what will shape 20198221 WELCOME HOME Did you see the Chibok mother who tied her teenage daughter to her back like a toddler It drew a tear from my eyes. You wouldn8217t understand what it means to a mother that after over two years of mental torture, of uncertainties, of raised and dashed hopes, she was seeing her 8220baby8221 again. And to think many of the abducted girls8217 parents have died after falling sick over the misfortune. I thought Mrs Aisha Buhari, as a mother of four girls, would be there to celebrate this moment but she seems more interested in APC internal politics. Hopefully, we will secure the release of the others sooner than later. And, O God, may we never experience this tragedy again. Amen THE UPPER ROOM A lot has been written and said about the living room, the cooking room and 8220the other room8221 in the light of the public spat between President Muhammadu Buhari and his wife, Aisha. I would, nevertheless, implore spouses to spend more time in the 8220upper room8221 (prayer room) to uphold their husbands and wives, especially those in public office. If my wife were president, I promise I would never go on BBC to give her a public dressing down under the pretext of speaking the minds of some disgruntled party members. God forbid. Buhari8217s chauvinistic response was worse than the original sin, I must add. Couples must always support and respect each other. Harmony. ASO DEMONS There is one thing I always avoid: arguing with people over their personal spiritual experiences. If you tell me you encountered spirits, I have no way of knowing if it is true or not. It would be unfair of me to dismiss your claim. Former presidential adviser, Dr. Reuben Abati, has been heavily lampooned for saying he experienced demons in Aso Rock. Actually, my perception of Aso Rock is that most of the people who go there easily get carried away by power, money and influence such that they become demons and start tormenting Nigerians. If demons are tormenting Aso Rockers in return, then it is a case of in-fighting. Family. SAFE TRIP, KENULE I got to meet Ken Saro-Wiwa Jnr a few years ago through a mutual friend, Oronto Douglas. The way we started chatting and joking and laughing, you would think we grew up together. He was so simple. A gifted writer and journalist, Ken and his siblings lived through the trauma of the execution of their playwright father after a very controversial trial presided over by Ibrahim Auta, now the chief judge of FCT. Ken carved a niche for himself in his chosen field. It is very painful that he exited the world at just 47. Coming while we are yet to recover from Oronto8217s death, this is a shattering blow. But that is the end of all mortals. Ken only went ahead of the rest of us. Adieu. But don8217t forget that Jega was not the handiwork of Jonathan8217s enemies. Rather he was the product of Jonathan8217s trying to play to the gallery. Jonathan and Yar8217dua openly claimed that they were 8220embarrassed8221 by the election that brought them to power. Then they tried to make themselves look good by setting up the Uwais panel and appointing Jega respectively. It is remarkable how questionable intentions always come back to haunt their perpetrators. Not if we have free and fair elections in the next cycle. Believe that Free and fair elections Not a chance. They started with inconclusive whenever they are on the loosing path but it did not engender confidence. In fact, it looked outright stupid. Edo State was a trial case of the new improved formula of perpetuating themselves in power. Him. May God help us Correct Absolutely correct. I don8217t know why Nigerians keep saying they will vote him out in 2019. Who is going to give them the opportunity God alone is our help in this matter. Only by divine orchestration can we change this government. Thank God we are doing something about that by seeding this nation with the word of God. That is where the power of God unto salvation is. The treacherous ones, of which Simon is one of them have this over hyped image of themselves voting out this government, so so funny, maybe i gave them so much intelligence more than they deserve. Please to whining. Anger with Buhari does not in any way mean regret about voting out a notoriously corrupt and irresponsible government in 2015. Put Jonathan on another ballot and he would be so roundly rejected, even worse this tine that he does not have Dasuki as his ATM. Democracy was not created for the masses to vote back in a non-performing government. It was designed to enforce democratic accountability. It does not happen with just one election cycle but over the course of the practice of democracy. You are a zombie of an order yet known to mankind, an irreparably damaged zombie. Nothing seems to get through your ossified skull. Everybody is explaining to you the disaster you and people like Simon Kolawale have wrought upon us all and you are there busy justifying your misplaced hatred for Jonathan, trying to explain away your stupidity. Until you people understand and accept the damage you have done and take full responsibility for letting the DEVIL himself into our lives we shall ALL continue to suffer en masse. Idiot. You could have made your point s wihout the insults. You have to remember we are all entitled to speak our minds But then you should know that some people do not come here for the same reason that you do. They are obviously still grieving over their meal ticket which they lost spectacularly through a democratic process 18 months ago. Sometimes, it is impossible to hold a decent conversation with those kind of people. And you think it is easy on one8217s psyche trying to lesson to you justify bringing this suffering upon all of us and suggesting you would do it all over again Do you realize how sick and callous that makes you sound, like a complete psychopath My guess is that you are staying outside Nigeria or you probably are a paid government hack. Perhaps it8217s that psycho Lauretta Onochie that I8217m wasting my time trying to talk sense into. Foolish idiot. Nkem is an afonja replica from Osun state. He is suffering from inferiority complex. no need arguing with him In matters like this, I dont think the arguments are for Nkem8217s benefit. He is already hopelessly lost. The exchange is for otherwise 8216oblivious8217 persons that may think he is making sense8230 The election has been lost and won sir. Its 18 months now. Jonathan is no longer the issue. Buhari is now the focus and he is failing spectacularly. According to Simon, with his wife8217s recent utterance, he does not need another opposition Unfortunately, the Jonathan mob won8217t let us focus on Buhari, however hard we try. They keep taking us back to April 2015, and their massive grudge about how 8216we8217 treated 8216their son8217. If he gives, he should be prepared to take. Shikena. Sometimes is good to throw decorum and civility to the dustbin. Are you sure that if the election were held today PMB would prevail I think not and you know that is is due to the idea that democracy was not created for the masses to vote back in a non-performing government. He most likely will not win, and I have said that previously here. Unfortunately, the grieving Jonathan crowd can never see beyond the fact that this is beyond the fortune of individuals, that it is more about the fate of our country. Those who wish Nigeria well have long moved on from 2015, that is why they are quick to criticize the same man they elected as president. No, they are not criticizing him. They have not moved on. They are either hunkering down out of sight, speechless or they are forever blaming Jonathan for all the missteps of the present administration. Lastly, they are praying fervently for a nonexistent 120 per barrel crude oil. LOL8230.still can8217t bring yourself to say the obvious truth. Buhari is a failure foretold. There was NEVER any chance he would do better than this. All the things you listed that supposedly made Nigerians angry with Jonathan were fomented by the Fulani-led North, including the cruel hoax of the Chibok girls and Boko Haram itself. The irony is that Jonathan performed well. For example Transparency International rankings for Nigeria IMPROVED under his Presidency. Mr Kolawale please stop lying to yourself. Jonathan lost the election to TRIBAL hatred. The culmination of it all was that he dared ask Nigerians to pay for the fuel that they get so cheaply by robbing, pillaging and killing the people of the Niger Delta. Nigerians generally pay no taxes, everything is paid for from Niger Delta resources. Simon Kolawale you always refer to OUR OIL, OUR NATURAL GAS. The passion for free money from the Niger Delta is what animates the citizenship of most Nigerians. Jonathan threatened it and he had to go. I8217m tired of commenting on Nigeria but craven write ups like this just bring it out of me. You8217re just disgusting, the whole lot of you Zombies. 8220Jonathan lost the election to TRIBAL hatred.8221 So where was this tribal hatred in 2011when he won In the Southwest. Yes, in the Souhwest, but it was subsumed in the expectation that the Chicago Jagaban was going to be the power behind the throne in exchange for his support. The same failed expectation is now driving the current tribal hatred from the usual suspects. Some people never ronu, like thier illustrious son Hubert Ogunde admonished them. They keep producing the Afonja replicas over all generations and we now have the Chicago Jagaban, Kongi, the Ota Ape and Simon Kolawole again being themselves - natural traitors. Pity really Yes. I agree with you, Jon West. Some people never 8216ronu8217. They are always quick to point accusing finger at other people, totally lacking awareness of the direction their remaining four fingers are facing They will never think of whatever GEJ may have done wrong or perceived to have done wrong that led to Buhari8217s emergence. Their conspiracy theories are amorphous, always adapting to changing scenarios: 8220they do not want the Easterners in power8221 (but they voted GEJ in 2011), 8220they are traitors (Afonja) by nature, forming an 8216alliance8217 with the North8217 (Eh ehn Then what about the alliance between NCNC and NPC parties in 1959 general election), 8216they are envious because we Easterners are better than them8217 (Yawn This is getting ridiculous). And pray, why are the Igbos always quick to characterise the proud Yoruba nation with Afonja8217s treachery but not Fajuyi8217s bravery (even when his heroic action was to save an Igbo). Beats me Brilliant question 2003 SE and SS gave unalloyed political support to OBJ, a Yoruba even against all permutation, when Buhari picked an Igbo-Okadigbo-as running mate.2007,again SE and SS demonstrated respect and willingness to concretize a coalition between the East and West, when OBJ8217s protg and preference, in Yar Adua was given maximum political leverage by SE, against Buhari, who again picked his running mate from SE-chief Umezeoke. Question is, when will SW reciprocate the 2003 and 2007 support, offered their son, by the SE, rather than the retaliatory posture often adopted, citing the 1959 coalitionWill SW perpetually reference the coalition between NCNC and NPC as rationale for its indiscretion and 8220blind support8221 for Fulanis whose contempt and disdain for SW is unrivalled-Reference to recent statement credited to Tanko Yakassai, the Abacha treatment and political shenanigans in APC leadership involving the chairman, a leader and the president. Do you remember what Buhari and his supporters did to Youth Corpers during the 2011 elections About a third of those young people killed by Buhari were Yoruba. Enjoy the CHANGE. First of all, Project Buhari is not falling off, it has failed completely. Secondly, Nigerians will not have the golden opportunity to vote him out as he and his APC goons have made sure that INEC has been completely compromised. So if you think that you lot who got us all into this mess will be able to vote him out in 2019, perish such thoughts and I honestly pray that I am wrong. They actually think they voted out Jonathan despite his presidential powers to decree election results. They now have the opportunity to meet those desperate and power hungary enough to use presidential powers. I would 8216Amen8217 your prayer but my faith in this matter is like cooked mustard seed. Small and unwilling to grow. Project Buhari was dead ab initio and it is those still stoned on the Buhari cocaine that will think otherwise. The man8217s first outing as head of state was a disaster. After being pushed out, he did nothing of significance except inflammatory utterances that either heated the polity or resulted in death of people (youth corpers, Boko Haram victims). He made no apologies and continued to be the intolerant man that he was. Three times he ran for presidential elections and failed. Not on any of those occasions did he accept defeat in grace. All of a sudden such a man is proclaimed as a changed man without any indication or shred of evidence. So much has been said about the anger against Jonathan and whatever other theories for electing Buhari. The simple truth is that the Southwest was all that made the difference. The election results clearly shows that if the Southwest had voted the way it did in 2011, the result would have been different. Simon Kolawole would rather not see this and prefers to mislead. Buhari is a monumental failure and all discerning people were aware this would happen. Some people simply chose to bury their heads in sand. Contrary to what Kolawole feels, they ought to apologise for the mistake of electing Buhari, as it is a bad mistake. Since coming to power, he has undermined the electoral process with a compromised INEC, which will ensure he and the ruling party never gets voted out. He has failed to come to grip with the economy, resulting in suffering and poverty all over the place. He has unleashed security agents to torment and intimidate. His cabinet is at best pedestrian, and appointments into key positions have been parochial and nepotistic. He is fast running the country aground. Yet Kolawole would not apologise for electing him Shameful YORUBA CANNOT RAISE A FINGER There is really nothing the Yoruba can do this time 8211 or indeed ever again Tinubu is spent 8211 psychologically, financially or footsoldierswise The power is sure to remain with the north, amp apart from Buhari being an incumbent that knows better how to use the NNPC, CBN, INEC, Police, DSS, Army amp FRSC than Jonathan, the north is safer with him rather than an Atiku who is preaching restructuring On the international front Buhari is in the good books because he is playing according to rules, in contrast to Jonathan. So, he will organize the OBJ kind of election amp it will be recognized by the international community. So, for now, it is humiliation without end (HWE) for the Yoruba The Yoruba have beat their chest too much about the 8216power8217 to remove Jonathan in 2015 (and the bloated fool, Dele Momodu have the effrontery to warn Buhari about what happened to Jonathan), as if that 8216power8217 did not consist in 8216allying8217 with the north8230. I laugh. Now, the alley to which the Yoruba have come to is that it is neither capable of an alliance 8216with8217 the rest of the south, nor is it capable of an alliance 8216against8217 the north8230 So much for powers Kolawole thinks his western media can dislodge Buhari from power in 2019. He thinks he understands Nigerians better. Delusion. Only a sitting gentleman president like Jonathan could let go not one like Buhari who still thinks that he won the 3 previous elections. The truth is that the likes of Kolawole not only believed that Buhari will take them into the freaking promised land but they also called him the messiah. Interestingly today he tells us that Buhari8217s assignment was to get us out of Egypt. Absolute trash. Real trash. He is window dressing it. So much for cowardly writing Are Nigerians 8220out of Egypt8221 My understanding of Egypt is a place of despondency and unmitigated suffering, which best describes the experience of Nigerians under Buhari. For your information, Buhari led us out of Egypt through the red sea, and he has taken us back to Egypt through the mountain. Nigerians are now faced with more hardship and slavery more than ever before. Coming to your assertion that Buhari will win future election in 2019, it is not possible. You win election with electable parameters. As presently presented, Buhari or APC has nothing to campaign with. What would he table before the electorate as his stock card Is it on the economic growth, security, a democrat who has respect for rule of law, an international figure or what There is nothing Buhari will present to the electorate that would make him win election again. if he contests, he will fail woefully. Kolawole was economical with the words. Is project Buhari failing off Yes, it has failed woefully. Kolawole is just trying to be diplomatic in his choice of words, but the truth is that, if care is not taken, Buhari will not have a platform to campaign in 2019, because APC as a party is waiting for an implosion. You are very correct Are you describing Buhari or the 16 years under PDP which your words seem better suited. Those still stoned on the Buhari cocaine may continue to blame PDP for what Buhari is, has been, and has done in the last 18 months or so. My faculty is intact and I directed my views appropriately. A faculty that seeks to ignore cause and effect and limits its analysis to an 18 month period in which corrective measures are being put in place is far from intact How would your kind recognise the right things that are required to be done when in your opinion an 18 months period of chaos is adjudged as corrective measure. Little wonder you think like your barely educated hero. You are mesmerised by his lies and propaganda. The ship is fast sinking under his watch and he has no clue what to do. And here you are singing halleluyah. Shame. Because 8216my kind8217 are the solution whilst 8216your kind 8216 are the problem The kinds of solutions that come from those who think with their heads up-side-down The same solutions that have made our situation much worse within a short time You guy stand on your heads and that is why you read the barometer of progress the wrong way. You cannot even tell the difference between problem and solution. Shameful. Empty vessels make the most noise and their are a lot of noise makers on this forum For your information standing on ones head is a well documented yogic exercise for increasing nutrients and blood flow to the brian there by increasing mental function and focus. If 8216we guys8217 do as you say it is no wonder that notwithstanding the DIABOLICAL mess the previous PDP regimes got this country into - we are back on the path to redemption. The international community(including institutions such as the IMF) and Nigerians with integrity have attested to that You should standing on your head instead of perverting the truth and talking from your backside Miserable victim of a lying party and government. Please use your head. How long do you stay on your head in your yoga exercise Trying to be clever by half Face reality. PDP was a disappointment and should have done much better. Having said that, where was this country when PDP took over from the Abacha/Abdulsalam military regime Because you reason with your head up-side-down, you certainly have forgotten. The country was not perhaps where we would have liked when it handed over to APC, but it was infinitely better. Except of course in the minds of the miserable victims of APC lies like you, who helplessly still cannot see how they have been taken for a ride. You put the truth on its head and all you can think about is yoga. Pathetic. Let8217s be clear on one thing the president of Nigeria has the power to over turn is election any day and any time. Its just a matter of telling the INEC czar to over turn it the way he want it to go. Only what would have happened would be a repeat of 2014 were INEC staffs would be sacrificed for the the sack of the president. By 2019 we will see if an incumbent will be voted out or not despite the hunger in the land. There is really nothing the Yoruba can do this time 8211 or indeed ever again Tinubu is spent 8211 psychologically, financially or footsoldierswise The power is sure to remain with the north, amp apart from Buhari being an incumbent that understands what the power struggle in Nigeria is about better than Jonathan, the north is safer with him rather than an Atiku who is preaching restructuring The time I get angry with the Yoruba media campaign of lies is over, in my sure convinction that things will inevitably change The Hausa-Yoruba power coalition won amp have been in control since 1966, but it will never continue to win. History/Time will prove it to you 8220There is no refuge from confession but suicide and suicide is confession82218230..Daniel Webster Don8217t get me wrong I8217m not prescribing or advocating suicide for Simon Kolawale, after all, confession is borne out of conscience or personal conviction. Some see confession as a sign of weakness. Others believe they owe no one any confession, not even their god. Yet the grave soul keeps its own secrets, and takes its punishment in silence. The option is Simon Kolawole8217s to take. However, whether Simon Kolawale confesses or not, for being one of the architects of this present misfortune called Buhari, he has through his opinions on this BACKPAGE made enough confessions of his character. Of course, people don8217t seem to realise that their worldview or opinion is also a confession of character. Readers of Kolawole understands his ideological bent. Simon Kolawale said 8220things had piled up8221 8211 Boko Haram, Chibok girls, Madam Patience, allegation of missing 20b and strange theories of 8216stealing is not corruption8217, etc 8211 which he admitted, albeit unwittingly, is a creation of awesome media machinery of APC (of which ThisDay is an integral part). So, which confession is one looking for again I for one knew how many times my comments critical of Buhari and APC were either delayed, awaiting vetting or never published. Can Kolawole claim he was never part of this The Buhari Project was dead on arrival (DOD) but was resuscitated, sustained, given life and sold to the gullible masses by the treacherous elements in the South West and their hirelings in the Lagos-Ibadan media axis. The painful truth though, is that the faade of lies, deceits and vile propaganda that helped to market the primitive cattle herder to the hapless masses can no longer be sustained. Whoever bought an adulterated, counterfeit or unwholesome good, food or drug product will soon realise after using the product. Buhari has been known for what he is truly is Simon Kolawole8217s halfhearted hypocritical confession is a futile effort. It is criminal to market a fake product Whatever the Yoruba can ever do now will never amount to more than grumbling, mummur, muttering, or soliloquy Simon Kolawole, please when will you stand for anything in your life Your late grandmother must be very disappointed with her product and perhaps regret not sending you back to Mr Okoro in Lokoja for real training and character building. You are a liar and serial hypocrite and I am very happy to have always called you out, starting in 2013, when I noticed your Janus-faced approach to issues of national life. You did not expect the Certificateless One to win the 2015 election Really Perhaps so, but you worked very hard with your coterie of Afonja genre journalists to ensure that it came to pass, even if the whole fabric of the nation is rendered apart and you people were a resounding success. You extolled the contrived insurgency of Boko haram that has succeeded in devastating and blighting the already fragile ecosystem of Northern Nigeria, the worst place to live on this earth. The Chibok saga has been exposed for what it is, a bloody scam, orchestrated by the Northern feudal oligarchy in cahoots with the APC and the Afonja descendants tendency. to ensure power shift to Northern Nigeria with the Souhwest as the powers behind the throne a silly reactment of a failed policy in a previous incarnation, specifically Aburi in 1967. Some people never ronu or even learn from history and are therefore consigned to the fate of Santayana8217s men, who are condemned to relive negative history. Goodluck Jonathan, warts and all, is the best President that Nigeria has ever had, and that says a lot about Nigeria. We are now seeing the fulfillment of his promise that Nigerians will miss him when he is no longer in office. Can you tell me who does not miss the 8220mayhem8221 of his government when Nigerians could understand the mantra 8220Yes We Can8221, the same mantra that drove other kwaropt soceities like South Korea, India and Brazil to the zenith of global economic relevance. Now we are saddled with the Government of a Neanderthal dinosaur, where the idea of progress is the invitation for state visits by foreign leaders salivating at the prospect that the African Rennaissance has finally been extinguished by the advent of the misrule of this poster boy of the admonition of the Greek philosopher Socrates, that 8220when the wise refuse to rule, they suffer the misrule of fools8221 . Sai Baba, let the hard times roll and let the serial opportunists and traitors that put you in power now regret at leisure as predicted by a certain Jon West in 2015. Men repeat history and then blame history for repeating itself. We are saddled with the Certificteless One and his governmnet of imbeciles for at least a decade, until another major upheaval that will have cost millions of Nigerian lives. The Fulani will not leave power quietly. It is in their DNA, like all Nilotic and pastoral peoples. Whoever helped them ascend to power after we had gotten rid of their political mindset, will have to a lot of accounting to do to future generations of Nigerians. No matter what you write, Simon Kolawole, you and your Afonja genre journalists and Afonja descendants will bear the cross of Nigeria8217s final failure, courtesy of the misrule of the Certificateless Dullard from Daura. How laughable. The party of almajirai, also known as the Northern underclass, are firmly onside for Buhari. That is the one salient political fact on the Niger. And since their principal is in power, their vote, real and amplified, is going to count in perpetuity. As one commentator has observed below, General Buhari is not Dr Jonathan whatever his shortcomings, he does at least understand the use of coercion, overt and otherwise. If you think he is going to do a Jega-like level playing field, like Dr Jonathan, aka, loosing-on-purpose, then you are egregiously naive. Simon Kolawole, please when will you stand for anything in your life Your late grandmother must be very disappointed with her product and perhaps regret not sending you back to Mr Okoro in Lokoja for real training and character building. You are a liar and serial hypocrite and I am very happy to have always called you out, starting in 2013, when I noticed your Janus-faced approach to issues of national life. You did not expect the Certificateless One to win the 2015 election Really Perhaps so, but you worked very hard with your coterie of Afonja genre journalists to ensure that it came to pass, even if the whole fabric of the nation is rendered apart and you people were a resounding success. You extolled the contrived insurgency of Boko haram that has succeeded in devastating and blighting the already fragile ecosystem of Northern Nigeria, the worst place to live on this earth. The Chibok saga has been exposed for what it is, a bloody scam, orchestrated by the Northern feudal oligarchy in cahoots with the APC and the Afonja descendants tendency. to ensure power shift to Northern Nigeria with the Souhwest as the powers behind the throne a silly reactment of a failed policy in a previous incarnation, specifically Aburi in 1967. Some people never ronu or even learn from history and are therefore consigned to the fate of Santayana8217s men, who are condemned to relive negative history. Goodluck Jonathan, warts and all, is the best President that Nigeria has ever had, and that says a lot about Nigeria. We are now seeing the fulfillment of his promise that Nigerians will miss him when he is no longer in office. Can you tell me who does not miss the 8220mayhem8221 of his government when Nigerians could understand the mantra 8220Yes We Can8221, the same mantra that drove other kwaropt soceities like South Korea, India and Brazil to the zenith of global economic relevance. Now we are saddled with the Government of a Neanderthal dinosaur, where the idea of progress is the invitation for state visits by foreign leaders salivating at the prospect that the African Rennaissance has finally been extinguished by the advent of the misrule of this poster boy of the admonition of the Greek philosopher Socrates, that 8220when the wise refuse to rule, they suffer the misrule of fools8221 . Sai Baba, let the hard times roll and let the serial opportunists and traitors that put you in power now regret at leisure as predicted by a certain Jon West in 2015. Men repeat history and then blame history for repeating itself. We are saddled with the Certificteless One and his governmnet of imbeciles for at least a decade, until another major upheaval that will have cost millions of Nigerian lives. The Fulani will not leave power quietly. It is in their DNA, like all Nilotic and pastoral peoples. Whoever helped them ascend to power after we had gotten rid of their political mindset, will have to a lot of accounting to do to future generations of Nigerians. No matter what you write, Simon Kolawole, you and your Afonja genre journalists and Afonja descendants will bear the cross of Nigeria8217s final failure, courtesy of the misrule of the Certificateless Dullard from Daura. So classless bringing his late grandmother into there not a limit for you Mr. Jon West( I even doubt if this is your real name), can you for once be civil in your writing. What has Mr. Kolawole8217 late grandmother got to do with his write up If you disagree with wrote just simply Marshall your points without been insultive. You come across as someone who thinks he knows everything, if you are not fighting Segun Adeniyi, you are cursing Dele Momodu or Simeon Kolawole. Even Dr. Alex Otti hasn8217t escaped you. Haba Oga, I advice you become a publisher of a newspaper so you only publish what you want to read. People like you made GEJ lose the elections with your insentitive comments.. Nigerians never believed that PMB was the messiah. Having rejected PMB in the polls in 2003, 2007 and 2011, they simply used PMB to kick out the most corrupt political party in the history of Africa 8211 the idiotic PDP 8211 out of power. Though not a messiah, most Nigerians will agree with one fact. Had PMB superintended over our last oil boom 8211 2011 to 2014 8211 PMB would have done a much better job at delivering development to Nigeria But there is no use crying over split milk Now that the oil boom is no more, Nigeria has to find a way to harness it8217s most potent asset 8211 tourism Nigerians in diaspora remitted a staggering about 20 billion into Nigeria 8211 every year 8211 between 2011 and 2015. 20 billion. This is more than half of our historic 2016 budget and more than the annual budget of many African countries By improving its infrastructure and service delivery, Nigeria can tap into more diaspora dollars, in form of tourism. There are thousands of Nigerians, who were born in Nigeria, who though they will like to travel to Nigeria for vacation and business more often, shy away from doing so because of lack of security and the paucity if infrastructure in Nigeria Not to talk about the thousands of children of Nigerian immigrants including, Nigerian-Americans, Nigerian-Chinese, Nigerian-Korean, Nigerian-Germans, Nigerian-Britons, etc, etc, who will like to travel to Nigeria more often too, but they are completely intimidated by the lack of infrastructure and service delivery that was caused by the stupidity of our 8220looting-elite8221 These Nigerians will tell you that. everyday, their friends, school mates, coworkers, colleagues and business partners ask them that they will like to accompany them to Nigeria for a visit or even business. But because the environment in Nigeria is harsh, they decline to take them up on their offer That is why most Nigerians look back at the buffoonery of the last dispensation with regret and sadness. But all hope is not lost because Nigeria is still a strong brand. And kicking PDP out of power was an encouraging installment to achieving our goals Moving forward, here are some steps that Nigeria can take to progressively improve on where we are today: 1. Keep up the good work with the war against Boko Haram and intensify the war against kidnappers, armed robbers and treasury looters 2. Civil society should set up a Presidential Election Debate Commission 8211 even though the March, 2015 election was amazing election, the June 12 elections still carries the day because MKO and Tofa debated each other 8211 on live TV 8211 on the issues before votes were cast 3. Nigerians have to find a way to convince our elected officials 8211 who are wallowing in self deceit 8211 that the cost of running Nigeria is too high. Something drastic has to be done quickly to cut down the cost of governance. We can go back to a parliamentary system, even on the State level, where commissioners can be appointed from members or the house of assembly and/or we can practice the less expensive unicameral legislature on the Federal level 4. We need to start taking progressive steps towards true Federalism. Going for metropolitan police in our most populous cities like Lagos, Kano, Port Harcourt, Ibadan, Benin, Enugu, Aba, Onitsha and Abuja and adopting the report of the 2014 constitutional conference maybe the first installment in that direction The day a majority of ourt public office holders will take more pride in the quality of the Enugu to Port Harcourt expressway, as opposed to the quality of their mansions in Notting Hill or in Bel Air, that they purchased with looted funds, will be the day that Nigeria has Nigeria will progress in leaps and bounds Dear JP, You have made some statements here that need to be challenged. 8220Though not a messiah, most Nigerians will agree with one fact. Had PMB superintended over our last oil boom 8211 2011 to 2014 8211 PMB would have done a much better job at delivering development to Nigeria8221. What skills have PMB exhibited that supports this hypothesis Is it his skill and speed in selecting ministers, his knowledge of the economy and international finance, or his blatant nepotism that would have delivered development to Nigeria What has he so far done with the 8220little8221 he met in place Developed that into a full blown recession (apologies to HIV). As a John Paul you must know about the being faithful with little an apt Christian teaching. 8220Nigerians in diaspora remitted a staggering about 20 billion into Nigeria 8211 every year 8211 between 2011 and 2015. 20 billion. This is more than half of our historic 2016 budget and more than the annual budget of many African countries8221. What caused such a remittance to happen And presently how much are they remitting Has the figure gone down drastically If it has, what has gone wrong Did PDP carry the remittance basket along with them while leaving If it has not, why are we searching for dollars like the holy grail Questions, questions and untill we ask ourselves questions and get the correct answers devoid of sentiments, political leanings, and/or the need to just obfuscate, we are getting nowhere fast. Finally, on No. 1 you did not add herdsmen in your list of security concerns that require work. Abi dem no follow Additionally, your suggestions on Nos 2,3, and 4 are textbook, but for somebody who shows support for a President who is naturally, politically, and vocally opposed to these suggestions, you are trying hard to confuse the rest of us. My dear brother, it does not require any special skill to convert our last oil boom 8211 100/barrel 8211 to development. What it requires is simply a focus on developing Nigeria as opposed to lining your pocket Professor Pat Utomi put it appositely: 8220any moron can sign a cheque and ask Julius Berger to tar roads.8221 The reality is that 8211 if the oil prices stays at low as it is today 8211 it will take almost a decade for Nigeria to move away from a crude oil economy, especially as 90 of our foreign exchange still comes from the sale of crude oil. Regarding diaspora remittances. What caused the diaspora remittances to happen is the patriotism in the hearts of our brothers ans sisters in diaspora. While our brothers and sisters in diaspora where sending billions of dollars into Nigeria, during the last dispensation, the idiots in power were looting the Nigerian treasury and sending billions out of Nigeria. Thereby almost neutralizing the good effort of our patriotic brothers and sister in diaspora Nothing happened to those remittances. They are still coming in - in billions. Dollar is scarce because oil prices crashed, our production capacity has been cut down by NDA and PDP failed to save for a rainy day. At the end of 2016, we will find out how much our patriotic brothers and sisters sent down to support Nigeria What we are going through in Nigeria has nothing to do with the support, or lack thereof, of PMB. Nigeria is bigger than PMB. Nigeria was there before PMB and Nigeria will still be there after PMB is long gone Here is the reality. Nigerians were completely disrespected by the idiotic PDP. There bad behavior was a slap on our collective faces. During an era where the Enugu to Port Harcourt expressway Lagos to Ibadan expressway Aba to Ikot Ekpene road Port Harcourt road Aba and other major arteries in Nigeria where in a complete state of disrepair, a group of idiots looted 6.8 billion in fuel subsidy fraud and may more billions in other bizarre fraudulent machinations In any other country but Nigeria, at least 100 members of PDP would have been executed by firing quad or beheaded by the masses in Eagle Square. But the least we could do was to vote them out of power. And Nigerians deserve credit for not spilling blood GEJ knew this for a fact, that is why he accepted the his 8220fait accompli8221 and called PMB to congratulate him even before INEC officially announced the result of the 2015 general elections John you appeared to be the only one still stuck and condemned with this rhetoric of mindless deceit you and your unformed folks used as a bait to lured Nigerians into this cascading catastrophic. Anyway majority of our beloved 15 millions who voted Buhari on the other side of the divide are daily regaining their lost consciousness. Thanks to Buhari8217s self inflicted economic hardship Come to think about it are u more Buhari than Isha If the March 2015 presidential elections where to be held tomorrow, with the same candidates running for president, Nigeria will still have kicked the idiotic PDP out of power, on account of PDP8217s pervasive corruption Additionally, Nigerians will rather have a first lady like Aisha Buhari, than a first lady like Patience Jonathan What was Aisha Buhari8217s sin. Out of exasperation that things were not going as well as she expected, she went to BBC to complain. Let8217s even take a closer look at what she complained about. Mrs Buhari did not complain that some idiots where looting our funds, she did not complain that some fuel marketers had looted 6.8 billion dollars that was meant for our development and she did not complain about pervasive corruption in the NNPC Mrs Buhari complained that she does not trust the people that are surrounding her husband because they where not there with us when our change movement began. She expressed that she would rather have people that where there from day one, rather than the people who did not see the vision and who did not play the game, but only joined the parade after the game had been won If Mrs. Buhari was the first lady during the era of Goodluck Jonathan, Nigeria will not be where it is today. Mrs Buhari would have blown the whistle on the corrupt fuel marketers, even before they stole their first billion. She would have prevented billions to be looted from the NNPC. And she certainly would not have allowed our troops to die in the war front on account the looting of 2.1 billion by ATM Dasuki and his group of idiots But what did we get during the era of Mrs Jonathan. Mrs Jonathan did not blow any whistle. She did not blow the whistle on the 6.8 billion fuel subsidy fraud, she did not blow the whistle on corruption in NNPC and she certainly did not blow the whistle on ATM Dasuki8217s 2.1 billion fraud Instead, Mrs Jonathan was caught laundering millions of dollars in one of our airports, even before her husband became president. Then the EFCC discovered 31 million in a bank account, that she claims belongs to her, after her husband left office Then she tells Nigerians that the 31 million was given to her in form of gifts. And many Nigerians believe her and want her to keep the money. Only to turn around to start complaining: the recession is bad, we have no roads, there is no light, inflation is rising, there is no security, our schools are bad, our hospitals are in a bad shape and we have no pipe borne water 8220Bad governance is not a victimless crime. It is a weapon of mass destruction8221 8211 Sonola Olumhense 8221 I know your deeds you are neither cold nor hot. How I wish you were one or the other8221. Dear Simon, the above quote is from the holy scriptures, PLEASE, TAKE A STAND As usual, your article today has not done JUSTICE to the perception we now have of you. And that8217s about the inherent contradictions in your write up. I won8217t comment on the content of your article because my fellow commentators here have done a critical appraisal of your article. My bane is for you to TAKE A STAND and STOP being Lukewarm. The most important reason that GEJ lost the 2015 election was that he did not believe in 8216DO or DIE politics8217 like 80 of Nigerian Politicians especially OBJ do. He made it quite clear early in his presidency that the blood of 1 Nigerian was not worth is ambition and he stood by that. He shamed the hawks in the corridor of Power. The powers of the President of Nigeria is enormous, that even when police can change white to black the CinC can indeed turn water to wine. It is only a super human being that will conduct an election in Nigeria as an incumbent president and lose. With all the sycophants, lobbyists and hanger ons in Aso rock who don8217t want the party to stop. Yes and No. Yes because he has failed gullible people like you. No because he is doing exactly what he came to do, namely. to take revenge on all, and pursue a northern Nigerian agenda. Simon Kolawale, I wish you would stop playing games with our collective intelligence. For all we know Nigerians do not have short memories. Mr Buhari made himself both Joshua amp Moses in his desperation to become president. Now he is neither Like a gentle lamb for the slaughter they begged for our votes. They rolled out their drums and rented the air with their change song. With lips as sweet as Jezebel8217s they talked us into lying on their blossom while they stroked our hairs gently with hands of deceit. As the music became louder strong men lost their wills and danced gallantly to the melodious tune from their treacherous mouth. Maidens swayed their hips to the beat of the drummers as the flutist blew louder calling 8216Change Change The Orchestra led by Baba himself 8211 The born again democrat flooded every street and towns blowing loudly the change Vuvuzella. To the promised land they told us they were headed to, a land flowing with Milk and Honey free from corruption. A land where we would eat from the pot of prosperity and drink from the cup of plentiful. Like spell bound believers we joined on the line marching to Canaan land8230.. But unlike every every fairy tale, there was not a 8216happily ever after8217 moment. Back to Egypt they took us. Back to the past they led us. The song had suddenly stopped and the fires had died down. Anarchy looms. Tyranny is inevitable. Oh Nigeria how did we get here. The change we heard was actually chains but we were too busy dancing to hear8230. From a repentant Buharist. Is this Cinna the poet or Cinna the conspirator Simon, there is no point trying to give an innocent dog a bad name after you8217ve already hanged the dog. Every discerning mind knows that the outcome of Nigerian presidential elections has never been a function of sensible reasoning of the electorate, but rather a conspiracy of political buccaneers representing any two of the three major ethnic groups. Whenever the political usurpers from two of those three major ethnic groups decide to work together, then the election is over. A candidate from any of those three groups, only needs to successfully court one of the other two groups as he can almost always count on the support of his own ethnic group. We all know that such collaboration of political dealers is mostly bought with money and political patronage. Of course an incumbent from a majority ethnic group, can afford to buy out one of the remaining two, totally ignore the remaining one and still win the election. Whereas a minority candidate will have to buy out these political masquerades from two majority ethnic groups, to stand any chance of winning. Considering the level of greed associated with those evil people, such a proposition can prove daunting. Not the most flattering description of Nigerian politics, but certainly the reality that we have lived with since independence. The 2011 elections offered an exception because of the sudden death of President YarAdua in 2009, which left those groups very little time to perfect their strategy, leading to the last minute collapse of the Fulani/Yoruba alliance and the resulting success of GEJ in 2011. His subsequent inability or rather refusal to satisfy their greed during the following four years, marked him out for removal by any means necessary. Of course as a good student of Nigerian politics, the situation presented a great opportunity for ethnically biased journalists like you, Simon Kolawole. You couldn8217t miss an opportunity to invite yourself to 8220come an eat8221 with political buccaneers from your ethnic group. As a Christian that you profess to be, do you in your heart of hearts believe that Buhari scored the votes recorded for him in Kano, Katsina, and the rest of the northern states Do you sincerely believe that Boko Haram ravaged Borno and Yobe had the number of registered voters recorded to have voted, or even that GEJ lost the popular vote in Lagos Of course you can ask the same about Jonathan8217s votes in Rivers and Delta, but the truth remains that GEJ was simply outrigged. So let8217s stop this wicked narrative that GEJ lost the election because he had a poor performance in office. For if the truth be told, although GEJ performance was still a far cry from what we expect from a Nigerian president, it was still comparatively better than all his predecessors, and 1000 times better than the performance of the present pretender who goes by the name Buhari. Now, let8217s examine the issues you said made Jonathan to lose the 2015 Presidential election. 1. Boko Haram 8211 an obvious conspiracy of the Islamic North to snatch power. How soon can we forget Buhari8217s assertion that a fight against Boko Haram is a fight against the north. 2. Chibok girls 8211 a key strategy and direct fallout of the Boko Haram conspiracy. How many secondary schools in Northern Nigeria can boast 300 female students in SS3, not to talk of 300 female students writing physics. Have we forgotten so soon that few hours after the 8216kidnap8217, the Governor of Borno state had 8216reliably8217 informed the president that the girls have all been found. Now what was that deceit aimed to achieve, if not to slow down rescue efforts and render it ineffective. 3. Madam Patience 8211 yes, Madam Patience8217s lack of poise and some misdirected public interventions may have rubbed off negatively on the husband, but hardly enough to influence the result of a presidential election. But then, aside her obvious lack of charisma, can anyone blame her for throwing her hat into the ring when it became clear that the gentlemanly disposition of her husband has no place in Nigerian politics. 4. allegations of missing 20 billion 8211 Buhari has been in office for 17 months now 8216fighting corruption8217 and 8216searching for stolen money8217. Is it not appalling that, even with the full support of the man that raised the 20b allegations, no one has mentioned the 20b again. Why 5. strange theories on stealing is not corruption 8211 We all know that despite his high level education, Jonathan is not a very eloquent man. You and all those that keep on playing around with the 8220stealing is not corruption8221 theory know very well that Jonathan was only trying to highlight that most of what we try to cover under the elaborate term of corruption was simply stealing. That corruption is more complicated than plain stealing which most of our public officers engaged in. 6. 8220awesome media machinery of the APC8221 8211 yes, the highly tribalistic, corrupt and lying APC media machinery led by you Simon Kolawole, Segun Adeniyi and Dele Momodu did a lot of irreparable damage to Jonathan. For someone who professes to be a Christian, you should be praying for Gods forgiveness rather than gloating over your wicked lies and propaganda against a good man who found himself helpless in the midst of the treacherous power play of Nigerian politics. You can go ahead to find a thousand and one excuses for a truly incompetent president Buhari, but stop insulting the intelligence of Nigerians by always trying to divert attention by attempting to discredit GEJ. Is it not sad to see you trying to turn the bible upside down all in an attempt to justify the all too obvious failures of a most clueless president that you and your friends foisted on us. From what you have relayed here, it is obvious that, like the devil himself, your own knowledge of the bible is not to the Glory of God. Your time in the upper room (if indeed, you do use it) should better be spent to pray for forgiveness. People have earned generational curses for actions less evil than the ones you and your friends have committed. Dear Aleks, Your position is tenable and l adopt them as mine but kindly bear in mind that Simon is definitely right about how the political constellation of Nigeria has changed relevant to awareness of the general voting populace. Further, the Middle Belt is about to emerge as an independent voting block and 2019 will be determined to a significant extent by how the minorities vote. The core north8217s vote in 2019 is predictable, as are those of the SS and SE the SW8217s vote is unknown for now. It8217ll will be interesting. Buhari did not win the election. It is was massively rigged by Jega. They used Pvc to deceive GEJ. GEJ acted like a fool and naive. Jega should have been removed. Whats all these biblical stories nigeria is not christian country where was this jesus he could not come here for almost two thousand years until John Holt and Mr Lever Brothers came to buy palm oil. He left southerners doing human sacrifices for nearly 2000 yrs. Its just white man story he is not a 8220god8221 To Buhari at his age, there8217s nothing to lose whether the economy collapsed or Nigeria fail, all he ever wanted is to be included in list of both former head of state under military, and president under democracy. And he has achieved that, the rest is history once both positions can he filled in his CV. That8217s reason he is doing whatever he likes. Don8217t be surprised that in 2019, he can even hand over to his nephew or cousin whom he so trust to make Nigeria better. If he can still retain his cousin as INEC chairwoman despite condemnation of the appointment from every quarter, yet he remain adamant, believe me, there no limit to what he can do he can as well impose his cousin or son as Nigeria president in 2019. Another person from Yoruba will rise up after the fall of Tinubu, become another power broker, convince the Yorubas again, and they will still vote Buhari8217s impose cousin. At least the Southeast remain the only people that sees tomorrow, the reason they did not vote buhari. Simon like every other yoruba I have come across keep boasting that if Buhari doesn8217t perform as expected they will vote him out by 2019 like they did Jonathan in 2015. How exactly are you going to do that You take Jonathan8217s humility for granted. You think a Buhari will and can be voted out You8217re joking to think that power can be reliquish easily like Jonathan did. Simon says Buhari is Know longer a Joshua but a Moses8230He, like many others have now shifted the goasl post and ultimately lowered the bar for Buhari..Did Buhari not promise to make a dollar equal to the Naira. Is that Joshua or Moses talk. You be the judge. I salute all these great scholars and analysis here 8211 Jon W, Danie O, William N, the Great Toby, Tony O and few others. Men am amazed, you guys are great and have lots of histroy on your brain. I am educated reading you guys day in day out, sometimes, am amazed at your intellectual depth and knowledge of Nigerian issues and your boldness are legendary and commendable. The man has not died in any of you at all. Good work, I wish all Nigerians and mostly politicians and leaders should read your comments day in and day out, if the things you all point out are ccorrected, Nigeria will be great again. God bless you all. Tony Blair Advises Buhari on How to Run Nigeria Discussion in 8216Political News8217 started by Jules, May 21, 2015. Views count: 1219 1. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has advised for Muhammadu Buhari on how to run the affairs of Nigeria. According to THE NATION, Represented by Lord Mandelson at a two-day policy dialogue on the implementation of the agenda for change organised by the Policy Research and Strategy Directorate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) Presidential Campaign Council, Blair said. 8221Let me give you an example of another emerging economy that I have spent time more recently. President of Indonesia was elected last year with huge public support. As a foremost businessman without link to the political elite, he was hailed as a leader who could transform Indonesia. 8221One of the things he did after being inaugurated last October was to slash Indonesias hugely expensive and inefficient, but yet popular fuel subsidy, a policy decision which had toppled previous administrations and consistently brought people out into the streets. He decided to do it straight away. 8221He had that goodwill and had that authority and that was the time to move. Obviously, when there was a low price of oil, it made it less painful, but it was well-timed. 8221On one part, the new President has demonstrated to his people and the international market that he was serious about economic reform and that he was no longer to be underestimated and the protests on the streets ended up being minimal compared to previous times. 8221As you know, addiction to fuel subsidy is not limited to Indonesia. I am saying take advantage of that goodwill of being elected to take difficult decisions that may inflict immediate pains, but are in the long terms of interest to the country and the government. 8221What you do in the first 100 days is important and symbolic and can also have tremendously positive repercussion for the government and throughout country. You have a limited window of opportunity to make an impact as a government. Looking at Nigeria, I would say your vulnerability is corruption and that is not new to you, particularly around the oil sector. 8221People in this country seem to be able to do things with impunity and beyond the reach of the rule of law or proper accountability and the judicial system. You can crack the NNPC nut or you can make a start on it in the first 100 days and if you do so, you would have built a very strong foundation for what you have to do in the next four years and beyond. 8221I think that ensuring that all government revenue goes into a single government account will be a good start. Those revenue from your natural resource are so vital for the country and for your future. I think that will send a very strong message. We did the same thing when we came in in 1997 when we gave the Bank of England its independence and that gave us an instant reputation for fiscal prudence. 8221It is quite courageous for a government to give power away to another entity. There were people who voted for the others, mostly in the south and the east of the country. You need to show the people who didnt vote for you that you represent their interest as much as the people who voted for you. This was what we called big tent politics during Tony Blair era8221. 8221I must say you have the expectations and the ambitions of 173 million Nigerians in your hands. You have the hopes of an entire continent as well as the eyes of the entire world focused on your efforts. But I tell you people are excited about what is about to happen in Nigeria. They really feel a sense of expectation of faith and hope. How we sent Jonathan back to Otuoke Coomasie ON MAY 31, 2015 7:23 Against our advice, Obasanjo imposed YarAdua as president Raises questions on the sacking of IGP Abba Suleiman Alhaji Ibrahim Ahmad Coomasie, a former Inspector General of Police, is also the Chairman of Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF). In this interview, he narrates the story of the return of power to the North and the role his group, among others, played in stopping President Goodluck Jonathans re-election bid, thereby sending him from the Presidential Villa back to his Bayelsa village, Otuoke. Coomasie faults the sacking of the immediate past IGP, Suleiman Abba. He also speaks on how former President Olusegun Obasanjo imposed a terminally ill Umaru YarAdua as president against advice. By Bilesanmi Olalekan The Arewa Consultative Forum, ACF, objected to the manner the Federal Government sacked the immediate past Inspector General of Police, Suleiman Abba. Why You have come, as usual, in your subjective manner of asking question. You said the man was sacked. If he was sacked, it portrayed negativity. Having said that, our concern in ACF is that we want to know what he did to merit the sack. Nobody has said anything about that and you are asking me why are we raising objection to his sack I told a television station in Kaduna that it was abnormal. Why he alone and what has he done If he has done anything wrong, we need to be told, the country has the right to know what he has done. Nobody has said anything and why at this time Did you are preparing for hand over to another administration Did the out-going president take him into confidence before the sack Was due process followed Was he asked to explain his conduct Or they just announced that he was sacked Sack means removal for misconduct. Was. If he did something wrong, of course, he should be sacked. We are used to regime when a government is changed, everybody goes with the out going-government, nobody raises eye-brow, but this person was picked and sacked. Why was he sacked He is not due for retirement yet. Tell us what he has done to warrant being sacked. Some adduced the sack to political reasons Are they right Have they evidence to prove it The simplest thing is for the government to tell us what Suleiman has done for him to be sacked or compulsory retired. But in all previous actions of the Federal Government, it never explained why it sacked any of the I. Gs They do. Things come out. Circumstance dictates such. But in this, there was nothing outward to suggest that there was something wrong with this Inspector General of Police. This is a man the American government praised for his role in the conduct of the general elections And this is the man you just sacked without any reason. So the ACF is against the sack No, we are not against the sack, we only want to know why he was removed. What kind of person is Suleiman Abba, you knew him while you were in service Yes, I knew him as a young officer. When I left the police, he was ADC to the First Lady. But I knew his progress till he became a lawyer. And I know he has been working very well. But he has been removed. Ibrahim Coomassie Aliyu Attah, a former I. G, said frequent change of guard in the police leaves room for inefficiency Yes, he is right. It disrupts continuity in the police. I did six years on the job. From 1993 to 1999. I was with (Ernest) Shonekan, (General Sani) Abacha and(General Abubakar) Abdulsalam. It was IBB that appointed me I. G before he stepped aside. You predicted last November that the presidency was returning to the North via the general elections of 2015. What did you see that we didnt see at that time There was nothing I saw that you didnt see. I only gave you the analysis of events in the region. I never made any prediction. I told you then of the agreement in 1998 that brought in(General Olusegun) Obasanjo to power. The agreement was that it would be eight years each between the South and the North. After the eight years of Obasanjo administration, he wanted to stop the presidency from returning to the North. And that is why he wanted another term that we all now know to be third term. And all hands were on deck to checkmate him. And you knew what he did after his failed attempt to get a third term to get another northerner to succeed him. Some of us believe that he didnt want a northerner to take over from him. That was why he did what he did. We mentioned names of possible people being touted at that time to succeed him in the interviews I granted at that time, I dont need to start mentioning the names again. But eventually they got someone who was ill, his illness was terminal, and he was pushed hard during the campaign, collapsed in Abuja, is it not so And he was rushed to Germany. Even while in Germany, Obasanjo called him and was asking, Umoru, are you dead But he survived it. He returned home, won the election. Two years into his tenure, nature took its course. Going by the constitution, if for whatever reason the president is not able to perform his function or he is removed, his deputy would take over. There were no qualms about it. Jonathan took over and he was sworn in immediately. He completed the first tenure which was supposed to be a northern tenure. And then later, he said he wanted to continue. Some of us said it and it was widely reported. I said he should be magnanimous to say okay, the first tenure is finished, another northerner, come and complete the second term. But, he didnt. I, even said if he had, he could have been a hero. But he didnt, he said he wanted second term and won. He completed the second term, making two terms. Then, suddenly, he said he wanted to run for another term. The constitution provided for four years of two terms. He was part of the first term. But he was just part (Cuts in) Let us leave that to legal interpretation. Would he do ten years or would he, if he had won, terminate his tenure midway and give out the remaining two years to the North. I also told you that the purpose of government is security and welfare of the people. I said since this out - going administration took over government, there has been escalation of insurgency in the country especially in the North - East. Thousands of people have been killed and property destroyed. Schools destroyed. Chibok students were kidnapped and, up till today, we are yet to see them. They have not been returned to their parents. And because of that, we (ACF) said this government has failed in providing security. These two reasons (for insecurity and the agitation that power should return to the North) compelled us and we met, all northern NGOs, and resolved that this time around, we had to struggle to get the leadership back to the North, especially because our people were being killed just because the person in the saddle could not be able to do anything. This was what happened. So, it is not a prediction. It is just an analysis. And God, in His infinite mercy, listened to our prayers. Everybody wanted change, throughout the country. At least, where elections were conducted properly, everybody was voting the opposition party. That was what it is. The interesting thing about it all was that when Buhari was going about his campaign, the difference was obviously clear between him and the other candidate. People wanted change, saying enough is enough. They wanted peace, development. Right now in Katsina, there is no power. I dont put on my generator until the evening. And power is one source of sustaining small scale enterprises for individuals. With adequate and stable power, you could get loan from banks and start something and know that, in due course, you can repay the loan but when there is no power, how do you power the business to the point of making profit to repay the loan But however small the business may be, once there is power, everything will take shape. Security and welfare, that is the purpose of government. This government has failed. I keep on repeating it. Funny enough, when the election was set to hold in February, they said no, they would reschedule it for security reasons, even when the security agencies said they were ready until the last minute when they all chorused they were not ready for security reasons. It was postponed. But the people, rather than get agitated, remained calm, cool and collected until the six weeks elapsed. The election was held, and, behold, there was improvement in the security situation in the North-East. What does that tell you as a journalist Why couldnt they do it in six years and they did it in six weeks even when we had support from our neighbouring countries You were a strong advocate of northern presidency, but there were some leaders even in the North here who castigated your action (Cuts in) Nobody vilified or antagonised me. At the presidential primary of the APC, they got Buhari as their candidate, and PDP had Jonathan as their candidate. These are the two major parties. I came out to say that ACF will support Buhari because we said leadership would return to the North and a party had brought out a candidate from the North who was Buhari. As far as we are concerned, he is well tested, because he was once head of state and he made impact at that time. One person from the other side of the divide went to publishe that I was on my own with the comment I made. He said the ACF never met to take the decision that culminated in the comments I made. But the Central Working Committee, CWC, and Board of Trustees, BoT, of the ACF, met later, to affirm, not only to confirm, what I said and even went further to say that the decision was taken since 2002. So, there was nobody that went against the ACF stand on the return of the presidency to the North. What kind of person is the president elect, you were classmates at a time A: He was my classmate. We started together in 1953 before I went to continue in Zaria due to my fathers transfer. Before then, his brother was working with my father. We are more than classmates, we are family friends. I have known him, both here and in service. He went to the army, I went to the police. And we continued to work together. We have an association of the 1953 intakes which meets every Christmas and Easter here. Incidentally in 1983 Christmas, we met here as classmates and from there he became the head of state after the coup. So, since then, we have been together. Any time he comes to Katsina, he comes to this house and we chat. I know him as a serious person, somebody who is committed to whatever he is doing. Somebody who is serious about the development of his country and people. He likes honesty and integrity, that I know very well. He is somebody who is not corrupt. He loathes corruption. He is well disciplined. That is why the queue concept was introduced and it worked at the time he was head of state. You dont throw things anyhow at that time. There was transparency in the expenditure of government. Security too was good at that time. Now, during the campaign he said he would look into the security issue and see what he could do. He said he would fight corruption and restore electricity which is worrying all of us. This is the man we all know and he is capable of doing it provided he selects the right team. He is the right man for the job. This man(Jonathan) has been six years in the saddle, yet we are yet to get all that I listed above that Buhari said he would do. I think he should put the right persons in his cabinet. He has to be very careful. He is now the president of the Federal Republic, he should get good people where ever they may be in this country. There are credible people around. Everyone cannot be thieves. Was it not curious to you when it was alleged during the campaign that Buhari had no certificate I think it was just mischief, nothing more than that. It was stupid particularly for some nonentities to engage in such talk. Somebody that has been in this country, schooled, joined the army and rose to become major general, then became head of state. He was minister of petroleum and governor of one of the largest states then, he was then made the chair of PTF. He performed every where he was posted, and now because it was obvious that he may win, at 72, you are saying he had no certificate. He attended courses abroad where schools are more strict than ours, and they found him very suitable to run the courses, he passed creditably. It was mere mischief. Every Nigerian has the right to contest for the presidency and indeed any elected position in the land. There is this man (Ayo) Fayose, who even predicted his death, and the other one (Femi Fani) Kayode, what were they saying Absolutely nothing. Again, the Defence Headquarters too dabbled into the politics and were saying what is not. Why couldnt they come and say it once and for all Were you surprised that apart from taken the centre, the APC also took Katsina State APC took Benue, Plateau, Oyo, Lagos, Kano, Bauchi, Jigawa, Kaduna, and other states, if it did in all these states, why will it not take Katsina Is this not the home of the president - elect PDP has always dominated this state since 1999 JONATHANS LAST FEC MEETING But that has come to an end. This is change period. One of the reasons APC won the elections was because of the shortcomings of the PDP, now PDP says its returning to power in 2019. What is your advice to the APC that is coming to power now and PDP that wants to retake it in 2019 The coming to power of any party entirely rests with the electorate. And now we are all getting more civilised, we are talking on issues now, rather than personality. If a political party comes to power and fails to perform like the out - going one, the electorate has the right to change it. If the APC fails to deliver, I am sure you know what the electorate will do. Did you vote and who did you vote for I voted. I have been advocating for a northern candidate, a northern candidate who is also my classmate. Of course I voted for the APC. How about the governorship election I voted for APC and Masari. Is anything wrong in that HERE IS THE MAIN CHANGE MAN PMB I WILL NOT HIRE A SINGLE LAWYER TO DEFEND MY WAEC OR DEGREE CERTIFICATES WAEC Certificate: Buhari Files Appeal against Ruling Dismissing His Objection June 15, 2016 by Davidson Iriekpen President Muhammadu Buhari has appealed the ruling of Justice Adeniyi Ademola of the Federal High Court in Abuja who on May 26, 2016 dismissed his preliminary objection in a suit filed by an Abuja-based legal practitioner, Mr. Nnamdi Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe. Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe had alleged that Buhari was unqualified to aspire to the Office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria because he did not sit for the Cambridge West African School Certificate WASC) in 1961 as he claimed. When the suit came up on May 26, Buhari in his preliminary objection challenged the mode of service of the originating summons on him, insisting that he ought to have been served at an address in Kaduna instead of by substituted means at the national secretariat of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Abuja. However, Justice Ademola, in his ruling, had held that it was incompetent and upheld the service of the originating court processes on Buhari. The judge held that the service of the courts processes on the president through the secretariat of the APC was proper. The court was satisfied that if it was served on a senior officer of the APC at the national headquarters, it would be brought to Buharis attention. Dissatisfied with this ruling, Buhari through his legal team filed a notice of appeal at the Court of Appeal, Abuja Judicial Division on seven grounds of appeal. The presidents legal team, which endorsed the notice of appeal, is led by Chief Wole Olanipekun (SAN). Others are Mr. Lateef O. Fagbemi (SAN), Chief Akin Olujinmi (SAN), Oluwarotimi O. Akeredolu (SAN), Kola Awodein (SAN), Prof. Taiwo Osipitan (SAN), Charles Edosomwan (SAN), Emeka Ngige (SAN), Femi Atoyebi (SAN), Femi Falana (SAN), Funke Aboyade (SAN), H. O. Afolabi (SAN), Muiz Banire (SAN), and 10 other counsel. When contacted on the phone, the plaintiff, Nwokocha-Ahaaiwe said the president has the constitutional right of appeal and was within his rights to exercise it particularly since he had not yet submitted a defence to the substantive action and had filed nothing in defence of the merits of the case. Meanwhile, the Principal Registrar of the Federal High Court, Abuja, Mr. Jane Egbo, has issued a summons to the parties to appear before her on Monday, June 13, 2016 to settle the records of the presidents appeal. Also, a check at the Registry of the Federal High Court, Abuja confirmed that the plaintiff has filed an application to amend his originating summons to include prayers for the nullification of the election of Buhari, as he was not qualified ab initio to contest the election having contravened the Electoral Act and committed perjury in claiming to have had a WASC when he never even sat for the examination. The plaintiff also wants to add prayers for the court to order the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to withdraw the certificate of return issued to Buhari and issue a fresh one to Dr. Goodluck Jonathan who came second in the 2015 presidential election. The plaintiffs motion on notice for amendment of his originating summons has been served on all the defendants and will come up for hearing on Thursday, June 16, 2016. thisdaylive/index. php/2016/06/15/waec-certificate-buhari-files-appeal-against-ruling-dismissing-his-objection/ Yorubas Are The Problem With Nigeria By Lamido Sanusi May 6, 20155,170 Views8 Min Read In sum, the Yoruba political leadership, as mentioned by Balarabe Musa, has shown itself over the years to be incapable of rising above narrow tribal interests and reciprocating goodwill from other sections of the country by treating other groups with respect. Practically every crisis in Nigeria since independence has its roots in this attitude. The Yoruba elite and area-boy politics Igbo marginalisation and the responsible limits of retribution and The Yoruba Factor and Area-boy Politics. My views on the Yoruba political leadership have been thoroughly articulated in some of my writings, prime among which was Afenifere: Syllabus of Errors published by This Day (The Sunday Newspaper) on Sept 27, 1998. There was also an earlier publication in the weekly Trust entitled The Igbo, the Yoruba and History (Aug. 21, 1998). In sum, the Yoruba political leadership, as mentioned by Balarabe Musa, has shown itself over the years to be incapable of rising above narrow tribal interests and reciprocating goodwill from other sections of the country by treating other groups with respect. Practically every crisis in Nigeria since independence has its roots in this attitude. The Yoruba elite were the first, in 1962, to attempt a violent overthrow of an elected government in this country. In 1966, it was the violence in the West which provided an avenue for the putsch of 15th January. After Chief Awolowo lost to Shagari in 1983 elections, it was the discontent and bad publicity in the South-West which led to the Buhari intervention. When Buhari jailed UPN governors like Ige and Onabanjo, the South-Western press castigated that good government and provided the right mood for IBB to take over power. As soon as IBB cleared UPN governors of charges against them in a politically motivated retrial, he became the darling of the South-West. When IBB annulled the primaries in which Adamu Ciroma and Shehu Yar Adua emerged as presidential candidates in the NRC and SDP, he was hailed by the South-West. When the same man annulled the June 12, 1993 elections in which Abiola was the front-runner, the South-West now became defenders of democracy. When it seemed Sani Abacha was sympathetic to Abiola, the South-West supported his take-over. He was in fact invited by a prominent NADECO member to take over in a published letter shortly before the event. Even though Abiola had won the elections in the North, the North was blamed for its annulment. When Abdulsalam Abubakar started his transition, the Yoruba political leadership through NADECO presented a memorandum on a Government of National Unity that showed complete disrespect for the intelligence and liberties of other Nigerians. Subsequently, they formed a tribal party which failed to meet minimum requirements for registration, but was registered all the same to avoid the violence that was bound to follow non-registration, given the area-boy mentality of South-West politicians. Having rejected an Obasanjo candidacy and challenged the election as a fraud in court, we now find a leading member of the AD in the government, a daughter of an Afenifere leader as Minister of State, and Awolowos daughter as Ambassador, all appointed by a man who won the election through fraud. Meanwhile, nothing has been negotiated for the children of Abiola, the focus of Yoruba political activity. In return for these favours, the AD solidly voted for Evan Enwerem as Senate President. This is a man who participated in the two-million - man March for Abachas self-succession. He also is reputed to have hosted a meeting of governors during IBBs transition, demanding that June 12 elections should never be de-annulled and threatening that the East would go to war if this was done. When Ibrahim Salisu Buhari was accused of swearing to a false affidavit, the Yoruba political elite correctly took up the gauntlet for his resignation. When an AD governor, Bola Tinubu, swears to a false affidavit that he attended an Ivy League University which he did not attend, we hear excuses. For so many years, the Yoruba have inundated this country with stories of being marginalised and of a civil service dominated by northerners through quota system. The Federal Character Commission has recently released a report which shows that the South-West accounts for 27.8 of civil servants in the range GL08 to GL14 and a full 29.5 of GL 15 and above. One zone out of six zones controls a full 30 of the civil service leaving the other five zones to share the remaining 70. We find the same story in the economy, in academia, in parastatals. I Couldn8217t Satisfy My Wife in Bed, But these simple solutions WORKED 8211 Click Here To Read Yet in spite of being so dominant, the Yoruba complained and complained of marginalization. Of recent, in recognition of the trauma which hit the South-West after June 12, the rest of the country forced everyone out of the race to ensure that a South-Westerner emerged, often against the best advice of political activists. Instead of leading a path of reconciliation and strong appreciation, the Yoruba have embarked on short-sighted triumphalism, threatening other nationalities that they ( who after all lost the election) will protect Obasanjo ( who was forced on them). No less a person than Bola Ige has made such utterances. To further show that they were in charge, they led a cult into the Hausa area of Sagamu, murdered a Hausa woman and nothing happened. In the violence that followed, they killed several Hausa residents, with Yoruba leaders like Segun Osoba, reminding Nigerians of the need to respect the culture of their host communities. This would have continued were it not for the people of Kano who showed that they could also create their own Oro who would only be appeased through the shedding of innocent Yoruba blood. I say all this, to support Balarabe Musas statement, that the greatest problem to nation-building in Nigeria are the Yoruba Bourgeoisie. I say this also to underscore my point that until they change this attitude, no conference can solve the problems of Nigeria. We cannot move forward if the leadership of one of the largest ethnic groups continues to operate, not like statesmen, but like common area boys. iii. The Igbo Factor and the Reasonable Limits of Retribution. The Igbo people of Nigeria have made a mark in the history of this nation. They led the first successful military coup which eliminated the Military and Political leaders of other regions while letting off Igbo leaders. Nwafor Orizu, then Senate President, in consultation with President Azikiwe, subverted the constitution and handed over power to Aguiyi-Ironsi. Subsequent developments, including attempts at humiliating other peoples, led to the counter-coup and later the civil war. The Igbos themselves must acknowledge that they have a large part of the blame for shattering the unity of this country. Having said that, this nation must realise that Igbos have more than paid for their foolishness. They have been defeated in war, rendered paupers by monetary policy fiat, their properties declared abandoned and confiscated, kept out of strategic public sector appointments and deprived of public services. The rest of the country forced them to remain in Nigeria and has continued to deny them equity. The Northern Bourgeoisie and the Yoruba Bourgeoisie have conspired to keep the Igbo out of the scheme of things. In the recent transition when the Igbo solidly supported the PDP in the hope of an Ekwueme presidency, the North and South-West treated this as a Biafra agenda. Every rule set for the primaries, every gentlemans agreement was set aside to ensure that Obasanjo, not Ekwueme emerged as the candidate. Things went as far as getting the Federal Government to hurriedly gazette a pardon. Now, with this government, the marginalistion of the Igbo is more complete than ever before. The Igbos have taken all these quietly because, they reason, they brought it upon themselves. But the nation is sitting on a time-bomb. After the First World War, the victors treated Germany with the same contempt Nigeria is treating Igbos. Two decades later, there was a Second World War, far costlier than the first. Germany was again defeated, but this time, they won a more honourable peace. Our present political leaders have no sense of History. There is a new Igbo man, who was not born in 1966 and neither knows nor cares about Nzeogwu and Ojukwu. There are Igbo men on the street who were never Biafrans. They were born Nigerians, are Nigerians, but suffer because of actions of earlier generations. They will soon decide that it is better to fight their own war, and may be find an honourable peace, than to remain in this contemptible state in perpetuity. The Northern Bourgeoisie and the Yoruba Bourgeoisie have exacted their pound of flesh from the Igbos. For one Sardauna, one Tafawa Balewa, one Akintola and one Okotie-Eboh, hundreds of thousands have died and suffered. If this issue is not addressed immediately, no conference will solve Nigerias problems. By Sanusi Lamido Sanusi. Being Excerpts from A Paper Presented At The National Conference On The 1999 Constitution Jointly Organised By The Network For Justice And The Vision Trust Foundation, At The Arewa House, Kaduna From 11th 12th September, 1999.
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